Rangeban Ban Appeal

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Rangeban Ban Appeal

Postby Dyn » Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:22 am

Your Warcraft III username: Dy.
Realm/Gateway: europe.battle.net
Why are you banned: rangeban ID 131466 - a quick Forumsearch showed it's a ban for "_diamorphin". I am not that Person.
Why you should be unbanned: https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=135537

Hello, I have to appeal again since I got no account whitelisted last time because I played on ENT-Bot Wintermaul one. You can always play Wintermaul one or Trolls and elves, even IF you are banned... I thought that was intended and wouldn't interfere with my ban-appeal...
I am still unable to play the bots I want (ltd 1v1 and hellhalt td)...
Am I not allowed to play bots free from any restrictions while I am waiting for the appeal? I didn't knew that since I couldn't find any rule for that.
I am sorry if that was the case.

So here I go again answering the questions:

Provide a list of all your previous accounts you've used on ENT.

Dy.@europe is the only Account I used this year. I think I logged into Dy.@useast one time just to check if it's still existing.
Previous Accounts would be Dy. on 3 gateways, dyn on entconnect, dy-@useast and laika@useast. But I did not use those in many months.
All my Accounts are linked via ENT-Link.
However, I have surely played many fun-accounts (like "akitostinkt" for a short gag one time) over the course of the last 10 years on ent. I can't remember all of those because it's been a decade. None of those funaccounts exist anymore.

What games do you play on ENT?

playing LTD Mega 1v1, Wintermaul One and hosting Escapes from time to time. Want to start hellhalt TD again.
These are the games I played exclusively this year.
I played dozens of games in the last 10 years, including hellhalt, ltd hell, ltd, ltd 1200+, hihl, troll and elves, element td, green td, bships pro.
If I forgot any game it's due to 8000+ games played on ent and not intentional. I did not play those for over a year.

When was the last time you played on ENT?

03/10/2018, 02:05 on wintermaul one
The last time I played on a Bot with restrictions for banned people is
22/09/2018, 19:03

I answered all these questions in extra-detail in hope my appeal can be processed faster.

I know you're doing hard work for the community and am very thankful. I am happy there is a way to be able to appeal for such a thing like rangebans.
But please understand my frustration, I have been unable to play for two weeks now, without breaking any rule.

I wont even TRY to play any restriction-free funmaps on ent now until the appeal is taken care of.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Rangeban Ban Appeal

Postby Quetra » Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:27 pm


Have whitelisted your account on europe.

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