vk abuse appeal

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vk abuse appeal

Postby THEDUCKMAN » Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:56 pm

Your Warcraft III username: skatter
Realm/Gateway: entconnect
Why are you banned: vk abuse
Why you should be unbanned: this was something everyone voted for thinking it was someone else who was being kicked. as you can see i voted for draw after i realized what was going on.

(24:35 / Allied) Skatter: !draw
(23:45 / Allied) Skatter: !votekick carlo ( he was the one lagging)
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 657007.w3g

Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #37

Your Warcraft III Username: Fook (other name is Frenzuh, which is my ENT username on forums.)

Violator's Warcraft III Username: bmwputin

Violated Rule(s): VoteKick Abuse

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 23:45

Any further thoughts: We were playing a game, and I was off to a good start with ember spirit. At 23:45, a player named "Carlo_Rossi" started to lag. At this point in time, the person in question, decided to start a votekick against me, which is deceptive as most people just assume the person that is being kicked is the lagger (you can see in the chat log, even i typed !yes, unaware of what was going on)

The vote ended up passing and I got kicked, his response in the chat log (also 23:45) is "hahaha"

A person on my team types...

(23:45 / All) failsafecoder: nice trick
(23:45 / All) failsafecoder: u kick our carry

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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby Merex » Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:02 pm

You and the rest of the voters are banned because it's your job to ensure the right person is being kicked. You can see via the lag screen that it's carlo (lightblue) and yet when a votekick is initiated it says "FooK" multiple times. (Blue, the person kicked)

The votekick function isn't meant to be taken lightly and should be used only when absolute certain that it's either a violator/lagger. In this instance, the players did not take a chance to notice that someone else entirely was being votekicked and thus this player was kicked due to it.

Please link me the general rules and the game specific rules of the game(s) you got banned in, and highlight the specific rule(s) you believe you violated.
You can find them on our wiki.

That way, I can ensure another rule-violation by you, caused by not-knowing the rules, will not happen again. After linking me to the rules, I expect you to have read them. Cooperating will have a positive effect on your ban duration.
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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby Frenzuh » Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:50 pm

Again, sorry if this is not my place to comment, but as the person who submitted the ban, I feel like this is a proper place for me to leave my opinion for the people who got banned.

These players did not kick me because of their lack of understanding of how the rules work. I would not have submitted the ban request in the first place if i knew you guys would be banning what i consider to be 6,7,8 (whatever the number is) of innocent bystanders.

The person who started to votekick took advantage of the situation, and how the human brain works.

When people lag, usually somebody starts a votekick, and then the lagger gets kicked because no one wants to wait 3 minutes because of ENT connect, we cant kick them manually because ENT connect doesn't let us until the time has expired. We all vote yes, lagger gets kicked, we move on with the game.

If somebody purposely started a votekick during that phase often, then the human brain would know that it was a possibility and would be closer attention, but this is the first time ive seen it, in hundreds, if not thousands of games. So we, as humans, being imperfect, just assume the votekick is for the lagger, and not for somebody else. I remind you that I was the one being voted out, and I ALSO voted !YES

The person who started the votekick, bmwputin, not only succeeded in getting me kicked from the game, but he also got 7 people banned for 2 days, making his actions give out a total of 14 days banned, and he as the one who started all of this and only gets 4 days.

I really dont see how you guys think that is a good action to take, and I urge you to understand that INTENT is huge in this situation, and I really do feel (at least with my teammates since we were the ones winning) that no one typed !YES with the intentions of abusing the votekick system and to get me kicked from the game. You are punishing people for being human, and making a mistake that is, imo, very easy to make.

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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby Frenzuh » Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:54 pm

I also want to remind you, that the bot SPAMS Messages when a player is lagging, and its really hard, if not impossible, to read the chat, especially when you factor in the lag box also covers up part of the chat.

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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby THEDUCKMAN » Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:13 pm

yes this is all true, well put frenzuh even the person being voted typed !yes
I admit I typed !yes to kick the wrong person but I also wanted to draw after I saw it was for the wrong person. with that said I think a reduced ban is fair, I cant speak for any of the others but we were all dooped.

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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby THEDUCKMAN » Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:19 pm

Do not spam or randomly start !votekicks, do not !votekick to avoid being kicked, and do not !votekick without proper reasons. Votekicks are ban-able even if they are not passed since negative intentions can still be assessed and misusing it can lead others to misuse it. Kicks and bans are enforced based on how severe the rule has been violated. ENT keeps the right to enforce punishments as warning.

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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby THEDUCKMAN » Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:21 pm

Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruiners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game.

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Re: vk abuse appeal

Postby Merex » Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:34 pm

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