Ban request Tereapurplea

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Ban request Tereapurplea

Postby Yorichi » Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:27 am

Replay Link: ... 218861.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #59
Your Warcraft III Username: Krunn
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Tereapurplea (playing spectre)
Violated Rule(s): Ruining the game, refused to def rax and went top when the opposite team was raxing bottom lane.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(43:31 / Allied) Krunn: er spec
(43:33 / Allied) Krunn: why top
(44:57 / Allied) Krunn: !timestamp min 40 (this is when the other team is raxing bottom lane)
(45:02 / Allied) Krunn: !timestamp and again min 42 (when the other team raxing mid lane)
(45:08 / Allied) Krunn: expect your name to be reported teal
(45:46 / Allied) Krunn: !TIMESTAMp min 43 spec jungle with ult available
(46:00 / Allied) Krunn: so you decided to throw because of this idiot es?
(46:06 / Allied) Tereapurplea: i was farming
(46:10 / Allied) Tereapurplea: finally
(46:15 / Allied) Tereapurplea: safely
(46:16 / Allied) Krunn: yeah you were farming when they are raxing
(46:18 / Allied) sunrise3: es is trash dont mind him
(46:20 / Allied) Krunn: definitely bannable

Any further thoughts: Even though ES was a dickhead by taking farm from everyone else including from spec, it did not justify spec to throw a tantrum and ruined the game by refusing to defend rax so that he could farm peacefully. We could have defended bot rax and won the team battle if spec joined and helped the battle, instead he wanted to farm top away from ES. We killed lesh who was carrying gem, and three of them were low other than slark healing with lothar.

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Re: Ban request Tereapurplea

Postby iambackk » Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:20 pm

This is not his first time.

Banned 5 days, afk at racks push, griefing, going top to farm.

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