... 228920.w3g
afking most of the game, refusing to counter brood, refusing to def rax, using ulti at fountain while we fight to def.
Pls give him a hard ban !
(20:25 / Allied) no_rules: keep afking pink
(20:28 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp
(31:49 / Allied) no_rules: pink a cancer
(31:50 / Allied) no_rules: trash
(31:51 / Allied) no_rules: ruiner
(31:54 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp afking base
(31:54) T-A-Z killed razorramonchico
(31:59 / Allied) no_rules: -afk
(32:02 / Allied) no_rules: im reporting that cunt
(32:03 / Allied) no_rules: its fine
(32:16 / Allied) Niksicanin: u can suck my balls
(32:18 / Allied) Niksicanin: franch shit
(32:47 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp still afking base
(33:08 / All) no_rules: guys
(33:11 / All) no_rules: pinkg afking base
(33:14 / All) no_rules: refusing to play
(33:16 / All) no_rules: kick that cancer
(33:24 / Allied) no_rules: !votekick nik
(33:24 / All) Niksicanin: A votekick against player [Niksicanin] has been started by player [no_rules]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(33:24 / All) Niksicanin: Type !yes to vote.
(33:24 / All) Niksicanin: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(34:01) ladiesman217 killed T-A-Z
(34:10) razorramonchico killed NubiDubi
(34:11 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp pink not def
(34:12 / Allied) no_rules: no ult
(34:14 / Allied) no_rules: runing back
(34:23 / Allied) good/bad: gg
(35:35 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp again afking
(36:34) T-A-Z killed Niksicanin
(36:37) no_rules killed T-A-Z
(36:53 / All) no_rules: nice not kicking our ruiner
(37:27 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp using ulti
(37:29 / Allied) no_rules: instead of def
niksicanin - big ruin refusing to def rax afking in purpose
Moderator: ENT Staff
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