Ban Appeal and Admin Abuse - Triangulartent

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Ban Appeal and Admin Abuse - Triangulartent

Postby triangulartent » Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:28 pm

Warcraft III username: Triangulartent
Realm: USEast
Situation: I was banned by bit, but have done absolutely nothing wrong.
Why you should be unbanned: As stated above. I was in a game lobby, as the red player. bit joined the game as the purple player, I believe. I called argm as the game mode, because that's what I wanted to play. bit said that if I didn't play that game mode, I would be banned. He then left. Numerous people in the game protested argm being the game mode, so to appease the majority in the game, I went with what they wanted, instead of what I wanted and did hpgmcb Prophet. I also stated in the lobby before the game started that this would be the game mode. In the ban "request," he stated that I lied about game mode to annoy players. Clearly I didn't do that, as the dialogue in the lobby would support, unfortunately I can't pull up the chat log, but I'm sure you can.


That was his request, in which I'm guessing he may have been judge, jury and executioner.

So I'm just not sure why I would be banned, I didn't break any rules. I feel he was upset that in the previous game, I had beat him, I'm really not sure. Please help, as I really enjoy playing here. I have over 400 games and 99%+ stay, I'm sure. Thanks in advance for your considerations.



Re: Ban Appeal and Admin Abuse - Triangulartent

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:20 pm

[TRIANGULARTENT]: okay, proph then.
@triangulartent you changed your mind. Ban revoked, sorry for the inconvenience.

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