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Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:10 am
by Riisbabz
Your Warcraft III username: Riisbabz
Why are you banned: i've had some troubles with the internet, and on top of that i had a game where i by a mistake opened the menu in game while i spammed hotkeys for sending so i by a mistake left the game. I think that is the first time i left a game "willingly", and it wasn't really my intention because it was a fun game and i actually think we would win it :(
Why you should be unbanned: I'm having a holiday for a week from school, so when i have the sparetime i would really like to enjoy LTD, my internet should be fine and i normally never leave games except that one game where it was a mistake. So i would appreciate if the ban could be removed. I have already waited a day or two :(

Sincerely Riisbabz.

Re: Unban

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:29 am
by Nat
Hang on, I checked wrong replay previous post.

[Edit] Watched the replay. From what I saw you were participating 100%. Everything was going well for you until your "problems". Although I could agree leaving was better than holding up the lobby, please try to avoid leaving in the future. It may seem odd but it would actually help us a lot when it comes to appealing because we can know straight away if you lagged/were disconnected or left the game.

Good luck!

Re: Unban

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:59 am
by FalenGa
Could you please explain to me, how exactly did you leave by mistake?

Re: Unban

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:46 pm
by Riisbabz
my mousepad is pretty fucked up so somehow the menu window was opened, at the same time i spammed hotkeys q,w,e,r for mass lvl 10. Somehow one of this buttoms are hotkeys for leaving and that is the story about how i "left" the game. I know it must sound vague but it was what happened.
It was a even game and i was massing for 10, but by that hotkey mistake i somehow left the game. I even took a game after that before i got autobanned which shows i wasn't in a hurry to do something else. I had no motivation for leaving.

Sincerely Riisbabz

Re: Unban

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:02 pm
by FalenGa
Fair enough.

Appeal approved.