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Unban CaptainF1ame

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:17 pm
by kevkev26
Your Warcraft III username: CaptainF1ame
Realm/Gateway: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=103715
Why are you banned: Refusing to Cooperate.
Why you should be unbanned: no team work, i yolo hard and my team never want to send; you need inc when you play yolo hard or you're just fucked

and i'm not the only 1 who refuse to follow him
(11:57 / Allied) CaptainF1ame: !ignore hit
(15:47 / Allied) Checkerpig: !ignore gay

Re: Unban CaptainF1ame

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:20 pm
by Arii
You continued to solo send even when your team asked you to stop.

Please head over to the wiki and find the rule that was broken here. After having done so, paste it here. Thank you

Re: Unban CaptainF1ame

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:38 pm
by kevkev26
who ? only Hitsugaya[PoL] cry

and 2 of us ignore him

when i up king he cry :
(11:48 / Allied) Hitsugaya[PoL]: yeah you fuk up this up
(11:51 / Allied) Hitsugaya[PoL]: usles 12 dmg
(11:57 / Allied) CaptainF1ame: !ignore hit

all normal team/player send 5 when they got wave for inc and start up after

Then tell me what to do
When i get it rale
When i send to mount my income because i yolo hard, he report me
So I yolo hard but I can not up nor send so I'm screwed up, I remain undervalue with a rotten income and he report me for trolling or ruined game.

I do not know why it is he who has the right word again it is little being him who has ruined the part by refusing to listen to the others and bizzarement one is 2 to !ignore him

Re: Unban CaptainF1ame

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:37 pm
by Mercy
If you send solo, you are breaking the rules. You must follow the team regardless of if you think your play is the right call or not.

A normal team discusses their next send, not just sends directly at 5 when they find they have shockwave.

You have broken the rules by solo sending and solo upping.

Re: Unban CaptainF1ame

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:31 am
by RadiantCrystal