banned for HPAC without announcing
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:11 pm
Your Warcraft III username: king.david
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: not announcing mode
Why you should be unbanned: i've read the rules and i see that hpgmcb is default mode for HELL games, and i admit i didn't announce HPAC. However, since HPAC came out, literally 99% of HELL games are unannounced HPAC. I've played over a hundred games since AC mode came out, and rarely if ever does anyone announce HPAC. The community has changed, so if you guys are going to hand out 12h bans on 99% of HELL games, the game is going to die. Please address this issue and maybe consider making HPAC an acceptable unannounced mode, because that's what everyone is already doing.
I do admit my mistake though, and I ask you to unban me since this is a weekend and 12h on the weekend is a pretty stiff ban for something that I really thought was the new norm. I will announce HPAC until you guys say its ok not to.
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: not announcing mode
Why you should be unbanned: i've read the rules and i see that hpgmcb is default mode for HELL games, and i admit i didn't announce HPAC. However, since HPAC came out, literally 99% of HELL games are unannounced HPAC. I've played over a hundred games since AC mode came out, and rarely if ever does anyone announce HPAC. The community has changed, so if you guys are going to hand out 12h bans on 99% of HELL games, the game is going to die. Please address this issue and maybe consider making HPAC an acceptable unannounced mode, because that's what everyone is already doing.
I do admit my mistake though, and I ask you to unban me since this is a weekend and 12h on the weekend is a pretty stiff ban for something that I really thought was the new norm. I will announce HPAC until you guys say its ok not to.