Mistakenly banned I guess?
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:09 pm
Your Warcraft III username: Foctopus
Realm/Gateway: Eurobattle
Why are you banned: I apparently "left" a game which I didn't even join, rather to say start playing,([ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #21) Which I recall leaving yesterday FROM LOBBY. I played a game of 1v1 with a friend againist each other right before that and we wanted to play more but someone joined into the lobby so I left and waited for another game to get hosted.[/b]:
Why you should be unbanned: Since when is leaving the lobby banworthy? Excuse me but this is ridiculous. Would you be please so kind to unban me?
Realm/Gateway: Eurobattle
Why are you banned: I apparently "left" a game which I didn't even join, rather to say start playing,([ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #21) Which I recall leaving yesterday FROM LOBBY. I played a game of 1v1 with a friend againist each other right before that and we wanted to play more but someone joined into the lobby so I left and waited for another game to get hosted.[/b]:
Why you should be unbanned: Since when is leaving the lobby banworthy? Excuse me but this is ridiculous. Would you be please so kind to unban me?