Ban Dodge
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:20 pm
Your Warcraft III username: Lou
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: ban dodging
Why you should be unbanned: My Isp provider changes IP addresses all the time dynamically, in our local area we all have similar ip address that change minor details (information from my isp, didnt know this until recently), it occurs multiple times even in a day. I was banned for 2 days, when i signed on 3 days later, i was playing games just fine, then when i joined a game it said ban dodge for 1 year. What can i do to be unbanned? ent is the only servers that anyone plays on, otherwise wc3 is pointless
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: ban dodging
Why you should be unbanned: My Isp provider changes IP addresses all the time dynamically, in our local area we all have similar ip address that change minor details (information from my isp, didnt know this until recently), it occurs multiple times even in a day. I was banned for 2 days, when i signed on 3 days later, i was playing games just fine, then when i joined a game it said ban dodge for 1 year. What can i do to be unbanned? ent is the only servers that anyone plays on, otherwise wc3 is pointless