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Hi me + 4? others got banned from the same guy for wanting to votekick him

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:37 pm
by Wavawa
Your Warcraft III username: Nd_Rior(round1=)
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: What to kick a guy beciuse he lacked manners...
Why you should be unbanned: I play everyday as usual, and i think this ent community was so much better. I always draw if some1 gets a disconect or they get a troll who sends alone from start. This guy refused from round 1. It's no fun to play a game of -30-45 min and know you gonna loose.. PLease help me and unban so i can relax in ur nice community where just a few people make me wanna kick them for not drawing and bringing down the love for this mighty ENT life.. cheers

Re: Hi me + 4? others got banned from the same guy for wanting to votekick him

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:54 pm
by Quetra
Hi @Wavawa ,

Drawing is not obligatory and it is not against the rules to refuse to draw. Therefore you cannot vote to kick a player for refusing to draw, as it is his right to refuse if he so chooses. Do you understand and accept this? If so, please go to the Wiki and copy the rule related to your ban so I can see that you've understood it.

Re: Hi me + 4? others got banned from the same guy for wanting to votekick him

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:09 pm
by Wavawa ... ng:VKRules
So now i have read them and im sorry..

Re: Hi me + 4? others got banned from the same guy for wanting to votekick him

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 7:57 pm
by Quetra
Unbanned @Wavawa . Make sure it doesn't happen again or your appeal is very unlikely to succeed now that you are aware.
