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Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of admin

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:40 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
Your Warcraft III username: GucciSwvgLxrd
Realm/Gateway: USeast
Why are you banned: not sure, honestly - just won an LTD game for my team, solo holder, my name isn't listed on boards but I'm banned
Why you should be unbanned: I don't see a reason for me to be banned in the first place. I was excessively pinging my team because 1 was a troll and the other was too frantic, I ignored them. I don't see a single rule around pinging, I've checked - if there is please specify it. They pinged me, I pinged them to stop solo upping king when we agreed to save 10... I was only holder 7, only holder 8, only holder 10

No reason to be banned atm

Re: No reason ban - what happened?

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:44 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
Saw that Bobostomping banned me for 'spamming' which is only a rule if you Spam chat - "General Rules Do not spam chat during games."

No where else in your rules is spam or ping mentioned (Except range stomPING)

This is admin abuse, I even won him the game. Revoke this now please, someone with authority. re-write your rules and then you can ban me next time I spam ping. The only reason I did it is because I had to ignore Bobo for being too frantic, spamming chat when theres 20s left to build/send and Kanye was a troll (yellow Kanye)

I see no legitimate reason for this, I actually don't know how this isn't admin abuse of power

Re: No reason ban - what happened?

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:46 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
Sorry, the only other reason I spammed the ping is because I CHECKED YOUR RULES DURING THE GAME.

Look at my account, look at SnowmanBURR and SnowmanBURRR I know the rules, I've played a hell of a lot of games. This Bobo person must be kinda new if he doesn't know your rules and wrongfully bans because he's in a mood

Re: No reason ban - what happened?

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:46 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
Thank you in advance - anyone other than Bobo

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:55 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
Hmmm... nothing here- don't think it could be considered 'flaming' if we didn't chat, nor was I in any mood while playing the game, except maybe... smug, because I was the best on the team - and he pinged and solo upped... that would probably be his closest excuse to ban ... ming:Rules

Hmmm not here either - where is that rule that I broke? ... g:LTDRules

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:00 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
Lets go @AmnoN, what's the reason? an Official reason - 'spamming' doesn't apply, as you entered it. Hopefully we can get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th... however many opinions - too bad you're the only one on right now

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:02 am
by AmnoN
@GucciSwvgLxrd You were asked multiple times to stop pinging. You were even asked by the player who you had not muted.

Leading up to you ignoring:
(04:27 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: ugnoring your bitch ass you
(04:30 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: you cry fucking baby

Poor/ toxic attitude:
(06:50 / Allied) LegXon: oj
(06:52 / Allied) LegXon: please
(06:54 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: k
(06:58 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: for you pink

(14:52 / All) GucciSwvgLxrd: i'll draw cause I hate yellow

(15:24 / All) GucciSwvgLxrd: i wanna play an enjoyable game
(15:27 / All) GucciSwvgLxrd: w/ a team i like
(15:31 / All) GucciSwvgLxrd: but west dont want a draw
(15:32 / All) GucciSwvgLxrd: lol

Spamming pings is bannable since it can disrupt the game and can be (as in this case), toxic in nature - as it is spamming and unnecessary. On top of that, there was no reason to ignore any of us - no flaming occurred.

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:03 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
where does it say it's bannable? @AmnoN I would not have done it had it been a valid rule

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:04 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
@Amnon I don't like troll talk, which is why I ignored Kanye - you kept spamming chat for me to build and send, when I did so with a VERY reasonable amount of time left, and you cannot deny that I played a good game, what gives?

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:06 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
I dont see 'toxic' in the rules.... nor do I see 'disrupt'

When I ask for people to be banned for breaking rules, I am asked to provide proof and cite a specific rule....

This is just your bias, or I caught you on a bad day. Regardless of what you like/don't like about my play that game, I did not break a single rule, you are searching for something to pin on me but none of what you're reasoning is listed on this website, and I played a good game.

Fix this buddy

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:07 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:07 am
by AmnoN
@gucciswvglxrd I wrote 5 things. That hardly constitutes spamming. The mass pings on the other hand are spamming - spamming pings is similar to spamming chat as it is disruptive, which is why the rule exists in the first place. Also, use "edit" instead of spamming the board please.

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:10 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
also, I ignored you, so how could I see you asking me to stop ping? (I also announced, possibly more than once, that I was ignoring you for the reason of spamming my chat - check the replay
(04:03 / Allied) BoboStomping: send furb or bo
(04:05 / Allied) BoboStomping: not wyvs
(04:13 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: furb + bow > wyv
(04:18 / Allied) BoboStomping: send
(04:19 / Allied) BoboStomping: furb
(04:19 / Allied) BoboStomping: go
(04:23 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: jesus
(04:27 / All) mar1um: [Calm] has refilled [GucciSwvgLxrd]'s cookie jar. [GucciSwvgLxrd] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(04:27 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: ugnoring your bitch ass you
(04:30 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: you cry fucking baby
(04:34 / Allied) GucciSwvgLxrd: !ignore bo

5 messages in 16 seconds.... spamming - Please ban Bobo - putting in request

Pink was the only player I didn't ignore and he asked me on round 1 after yellow pinged my build, which held fine.

I don't believe he asked again, but if he did I stopped. Look at the damn chat log kid, as soon as pink asked me to stop, I did @AmnoN

@Albi @Av1on @Beerlord @broud3r @Jabba41 @ping @matdas @aRt)Y

You guys need to check your boy before you let him out of the house

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:13 am
by GucciSwvgLxrd
@AmnoN spamming pings is similar to spamming chat (wrong, how is it similar? it doesn't block your screen like spamming chat and it is...well.... oh, not fucking chat, and why am I even arguing this, list PING as a rule and I would have not done it. that's like saying sending units is the same as upping lumber) as it is disruptive (still not a listed rule, you like references right, show me the referenced rule I broke), which is why the rule exists in the first place (ummm... you're... wow, see the above). Also, use "edit" instead of spamming the board please (OK will do moving forward)

Re: Admin Abuse Ban - Bobostomping... more like Bozo, someone teach him the [ENT] rules before giving him any sort of ad

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:17 am
by SeriouslyStrange
Multiple people asked you to stop.
Not only that, but you're toxic in-game.
Fix your attitude.