Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:43 pm
last night i was playing a game at left around 2-3 minutes because my network was so bad.. my ping was 1500-2000 i couldn't move and my screen was basically frozen. i didn't realize when i joined game that i would be lagging so hard but i couldn't do anything so i left. I don't normally leave games this was just weird time that i was lagging so hard. won't happen again
last night i was playing a game at left around 2-3 minutes because my network was so bad.. my ping was 1500-2000 i couldn't move and my screen was basically frozen. i didn't realize when i joined game that i would be lagging so hard but i couldn't do anything so i left. I don't normally leave games this was just weird time that i was lagging so hard. won't happen again