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Ban Appeal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:59 pm
by Mr.Crowley
Warcraft III username: Mr.Crowley
Realm: US East
Gamename: [ENT] Dota -apem A-BAL euro #69
Bot username: ENT
Situation: Banned for leaving for children
Why you should be unbanned: I am the father of 5 children, 1 of which is a newborn, just 11 days old. My wife had our son cessarian-section, so she's been recovering, and with a total of 2 in diapers, it can be quite the handful, and at times I have to leave a game. I always inform the players as to why, however, and if you check the history, you'll notice it's decreased significantly, as a result of me speaking to my wife about it and making sure I can be undisturbed for the match, preparing anything needed or doing anything that needed doing, beforehand. So please, as a regular player, high score holder, polite team member, and member of Ent gaming, please unban. Thanks for your time!

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:44 pm
by iCoNNecT
This is your 3rd appeal with same reason unbanned. Both got approve.
Being neutral on this appeal @aRt)Y mine deciding because you approve last appeal.

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:46 pm
by EdgeOfChaos
His stay rate has improved and I think the leaving rule is more for rage quitters, not for people who leave with a legitimate reason. Leaving is better than him afking, which is probably what he'll do if we start rejecting his appeals when he leaves with legit reasons.

I would have no real problem with removing it this time.

I'll leave it to arty too since iconnect asked him to decide.

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:50 pm
by iCoNNecT
Hmm what was his stay rate like 2 week ago to a month?? you said it improved? It looks like on his first few ban he had high stay rate. He had 98 stay rate back in November 2 2012. His stay rate now is 85 %

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:52 pm
by EdgeOfChaos
In the appeal you linked he said it was 83% and it's around 85-86 now. Small improvement but still shows that he's not leaving as many games.

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:32 pm
by aRt)Y
It doesn't change the fact that he ruins the game of his mates.

Only because he has a legit excuse (which we still can't check), it doesn't mean it's ok with him leaving all games as he wishes to.