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Fell prey to VK spam by opposing team

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:25 am
by Demonthesis
Your Warcraft III username: demonthesis
Realm/Gateway: Lordaeron/ US West
Why are you banned: VK abuse TID:112392 (game ruining)
Why you should be unbanned: Opposing team very aggressively pushing for a VK on member who was exceedingly new and resisting assistance/communication. VoteKicks were called immediately after previous expired at a spamming rate by other team. As I assumed, since the opposing team was 100% agreeing with kicking, that it was an authorized kick I was voting !yes with their constant spams. Once ONE of the many kicks finally went through I noted that it was one of our team members and not the correct person in lieu of their 20+ spamming. I familiarized myself with the rules and what constitutes a kick as well as the liability I have for voting so this wont happen again.

Re: Fell prey to VK spam by opposing team

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:11 am
by FalenGa
Hello Demonthesis ,

please link us the general rules and the game specific rules of the game(s) you got banned in, and highlight the specific rule(s) you believe you violated.
You can find them on our wiki.

That way, we can ensure another rule-violation by you, caused by not-knowing the rules, will not happen again. After linking us to the rules, we expect you to have read them. Cooperating with us will have a positive effect on your ban duration.


Re: Fell prey to VK spam by opposing team

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:30 pm
by Demonthesis
"If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes. It is possible to game ruin by being new. In this case, votekick will only be valid if the new player refuses to learn and cooperate. Just because someone is a newbie or bad does not mean he is intentionally game ruinning."
"If you are unsure that someone on the opposite team is game ruinning, ask the other team for clarification via all chat."
The last part was what got me. I should have asked.

Re: Fell prey to VK spam by opposing team

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:30 am
by FalenGa