unfair ban

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Aura Tree
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unfair ban

Postby MercwithaMouth » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:23 am

Your Warcraft III username: leadfarmer
Realm/Gateway: us west
Why are you banned: game ruin
Why you should be unbanned: there was never even a ban request for me the power abusing beerlord was processing a ban i had posted for my team and despite the fact that the others game ruined by trolling, hacking, vk abuse and refusing to help he decided i was the one needed to be banned simply because i respoded to my pos teammates in the same manner they attacked me

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Re: unfair ban

Postby BeerLord » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:28 pm

You were banned because of excessive flame, refusal to defend rax, and item sale. Are you denying you did this?

In the ban request that you submitted for the entire scourge team and all of your allies for game ruin trolling hacking vk abuse and refusing to help there was no evidence for any of those claims.

Aura Tree
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Re: unfair ban

Postby MercwithaMouth » Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:01 pm

my flame was no more than the other, the game was over why the fuck would i defend a base already gone and spend more time with a bunch of losers that did nothing to help all game i cant leave the game cause you"admins" would ban me for that, and i did sell my items cause those fucktards you call my "temamates" were vote abusing me and since everyone one in the game was being a lil sad sack fucking bitch and voting i sold all my items so they couldnt get the gold for them because thats all they really wanted, so you just decided to ban me cause i filed a claim where YOU thought my teammates didnt ruin the game

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Re: unfair banc)

Postby BeerLord » Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:59 pm

Filtering through your nearly unintelligible prose, you are basically saying a) you flamed, b) you failed to defend your base, and c) you sold ur items. Yes. I agree with you, and this is why I banned you.

Aura Tree
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Re: unfair ban

Postby MercwithaMouth » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:04 pm

oooo ouch you tried to make fun of my sentence structure and failed miserably hear trash panda let me teach you how to insult proper, no you banned me because you are a pathetic bully, that likes making others beg for forgiveness because you are a tiny lil bitch in the real world.
do everyone a favor loser go finish your parents failed abortion

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Re: unfair ban

Postby CheW » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:54 pm

Appeal denied

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