Friend from same IP banned, so I got banned as well

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Friend from same IP banned, so I got banned as well

Postby psilocybin » Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:03 pm

Your Warcraft III username: psilocybin
Realm/Gateway: entconnect
Why are you banned: autoban for leaving
Why you should be unbanned: I've been playing with a friend from the same IP for a while. His username is fabrizio. His laptop keeps crashing so he keeps getting banned for leaving, which means I get banned as well. Please unban my account since I'm not the one crashing out. Thank you.

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Re: Friend from same IP banned, so I got banned as well

Postby Panopticon » Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:45 pm

Normally, the mods will ask you to have your friend make the ban appeal, as shared IP equates shared responsibility.

The only thing the mods (I'm assuming) might be willing to do is to whitelist a single account of yours.

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Re: Friend from same IP banned, so I got banned as well

Postby Quentin » Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:05 pm

No, we do not whitelist accounts for leaver bans.
We can exceptionnally whitelist account for IP rangebans.

However, the ban will expire in a couple of hours from now, so you must wait until it expires.
You friend should use Gproxy to reconnect. And if he wants to appeal, he should do it himself.

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