Ban Appeal
Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:37 pm
Your Warcraft III username: Tala
Realm/Gateway: East
Why are you banned: VK abuse?
Why you should be unbanned: This is the most absurd ban I've ever seen. Not only was this from 3 weeks ago but the one we are starting a votekick against one of the worst bear players I have ever seen and the guy was purposely throwing since beginning. Goes 15/5 his first game then goes 2/4. Also ruins mid, if you're going to ban deity and I then you should obviously ban this clown too.
Realm/Gateway: East
Why are you banned: VK abuse?
Why you should be unbanned: This is the most absurd ban I've ever seen. Not only was this from 3 weeks ago but the one we are starting a votekick against one of the worst bear players I have ever seen and the guy was purposely throwing since beginning. Goes 15/5 his first game then goes 2/4. Also ruins mid, if you're going to ban deity and I then you should obviously ban this clown too.