LegionTD after LoadDrop ban appeal

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LegionTD after LoadDrop ban appeal

Postby LookAtYourself » Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:49 am

Your Warcraft III username: lookatyourself

Realm/Gateway: EU

Why are you banned: I've been dropped after game loading, it jumped me right to the score table.
I'm saying it directly without fogging it. There is possible chance, that I did touched escape, at last second in lobby countdown.
Everytime loading comes, im going back to Windows on desktop by using ALT+TAB. Seems like I touched ESC.

Why you should be unbanned: It was my fault probably, but i would like to please you, for clearing that ban, and let me play to the count i wish. Thank you for sympathy with me and have a nice day!

Game record: Game was draw after few seconds
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 014305.w3g

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Re: LegionTD after LoadDrop ban appeal

Postby Max-Well » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:19 am

You had the same proplem just 2 weeks ago: https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=119537

Unitil unbanned you and explained you how to avoid it. Now u have the same proplem again. Futhermore within this 2 weeks u got 4 more bans by leaving or beeing AFK. Everytime you leave, disconnect or you are afk, you ruin the game for your team cause they are 1 less.

This are too many bans in a short period.

Request denied!

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