Temp Ban Appeal

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Temp Ban Appeal

Postby Arker » Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:06 am

Your Warcraft III username: Arker
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: Leaving a AAA game
Why you should be unbanned: I've never played it before - followed a friend and realised I wasn't interested straight away. Do we always ban for 1 leave?

Gamename: [ENT] Angel Arena Allstars #80
Admin: autobanex

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Re: Temp Ban Appeal

Postby Desire » Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:32 am

@Arker The reason you have such a high ban for leaving a game is because you have a low stay percent. Now I know in Risk Devolution its usual for someone to leave after they lose. (Looking at most Risk Devolution players stay percent)

Now following a friend and leaving the game because you weren't interested straight away is very unlikely. Please don't do that.


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