Autoban, disconnected on round 1

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Autoban, disconnected on round 1

Postby uint8_t » Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:56 pm

Your Warcraft III username:
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: I disconnected. Replay:
Why you should be unbanned:
I downloaded entconnect now and will make sure that this will not happen again. Our team had a great roll so disconnecting there is already a punishment :(

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Re: Autoban, disconnected on round 1

Postby Karils » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:35 pm

Considering your high stay % and that you say you just got entconnect I'll unban this time.

Do consider that I will be putting the unban reason as you got entconnect, so future disconnections which show that you did not use it may be denied quite quickly if I see them.

If you did not actually get entconnect/would like to consider one of the other options, I'll leave those here as well.
Having an unstable internet connection or a high risk of lagging out? Are you tired of losing a won game because you disconnected?
    Do not worry, there are solutions to solve your problem!
    • ENT Connect is a on LAN connection based reconnection tool (no cd-keys needed).
    • GProxy++(Varlock) is a reconnection tool for the with an external prompt.
    • GProxy++ DLL is a reconnection plugin for (Recommended).
    For technical issues or questions, post a topic in the technical support forum.


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