Ban appeal

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Ban appeal

Postby ultralord1337 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:50 am

Your Warcraft III username: ultralord1337
Why are you banned: votekick abuse
Why you should be unbanned: It was 3v4 pregame and we kicked the player that refused to draw and now everyone is banned. Are you seriously catering to these elo whores?


Also, im serious about this.
(01:54 / All) ultralord1337: enjoy ban
(02:09 / All) ultralord1337: i hope they half your elo too

how is this low level of manner not punishable?

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Re: Ban appeal

Postby Astros » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:04 am

If you're not willing to read the rules, I don't think you should be questioning the validity of the ban.

You were banned for wrongly kicking a player who refused to draw. There is NO rule stating that a player has to draw because the game is uneven. (ex: 4v3, 5v4, 3v2). By kicking him, you and the other individuals were then able to draw. This is simply an abuse where the majority kicks the minority when no rule was broken.

There is an automated system in-place that determines the amount of players required to draw a game. You are not the one to decide which game should be drawn.

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