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unbann me

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:08 pm
by lllooo222
Your Warcraft III username: banmeagainpls
Realm/Gateway: useast/west
Why are you banned: stay percentage
Why you should be unbanned: leaving during a losing battle in wintermaul games should not be reason to ban and neither should leaving hellhalt games when red does not pick correct game mode

Re: unbann me

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:28 pm
by Quetra
@lllooo222 you cannot be autobanned for leaving wintermaul. The game you left the mode was announced. As per our rules a game mode is valid as long as it is announced. If you do not like the mode leave in lobby, hence the announcement rule. If it is not announced you may !draw if you like and then leave safely without being autobanned. Otherwise you should just play the game and report for unannounced mode after.

How will you act in the future?

Re: unbann me

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:32 pm
by lllooo222
leave in lobby

now unbann me

Re: unbann me

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:04 pm
by lllooo222
Civiliznations wrote:@lllooo222 you cannot be autobanned for leaving wintermaul. The game you left the mode was announced. As per our rules a game mode is valid as long as it is announced. If you do not like the mode leave in lobby, hence the announcement rule. If it is not announced you may !draw if you like and then leave safely without being autobanned. Otherwise you should just play the game and report for unannounced mode after.

How will you act in the future?

and just to clarify, so tell me how i am banned for a stay percentage of 61 for 105 games when i've played maybe 40ish games of HHTD when you say i cannot be banned for leaving wintermaul?

Re: unbann me

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:51 pm
by Quetra
It registers for reducing stay percentage but you can't be banned for leaving Wintermaul. It's an unfortunate side effect of the system.

Unbanned since first offence. Please regard what I said for future or your unlikely to be unbanned.