418fewa wrote:Bumping, maybe the BL wanted a more elaborate answer.
Civiliznations wrote:@418fewa
Have you played on our servers since the rangeban?
What does that even matter? Very irrelevant question.
It is not irrelevant. We ask that question to determine if you are telling us the truth or not. It is one of the questions we ask from every player who gets range banned for dodging.
418fewa wrote:Civiliznations wrote:@418fewa
You understand that dodging our bans is a serious offence that always carries a 1 year sentence?
Are you asking if I know what your policies are? No.
Well, I suggest you go and read our rules then. They can be found from
the wiki.
418fewa wrote:Civiliznations wrote:@418fewa
You also have a long recent history of ruining games. How will you change your behaviour in future?
I've literally never ruined a game, even the one I tried to ruin it just spurred one team to try harder & the other to not try at all, so it wasn't even ruined at all. The second part is another irrelevant question. I'm posting here asking to be unbanned, so that already means I'm going to "change my behavior".
Actually, looking at your account(s) ban history, I can see 7 different instances of you breaking the rules. This is also not the first time you've dodged your ban.
So, keeping that in mind, and reading your messages here (especially that tone) makes me think that you have not changed, and that you only want to get unbanned to ruin more games.
As ban dodging is a very serious offense, we don't generally give out second chances for that. So, if you want to get unbanned, I have to ask you to wait till beginning of July and post another appeal then. If you haven't dodged your ban then, you have a good chance of getting unbanned, if you have really changed...