ban appeal request redux

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ban appeal request redux

Postby 418fewa » Tue May 15, 2018 1:10 am

Your Warcraft III username: 418 / FEWA
Realm/Gateway: azeroth
Why are you banned: I misbehaved, then got range banned.
Why you should be unbanned: I promise I'll be on my best behavior from now on.


Since the last thread got replied to with no possible window of discussion by some w**s*l, I'm reposting.

It is not irrelevant. We ask that question to determine if you are telling us the truth or not. It is one of the questions we ask from every player who gets range banned for dodging.

It's irrelevant in that you're asking for honesty because you don't have the capability of verifying whether or not I'm telling the truth. Furthermore, would I be asking for a ban appeal if I was already capable of playing? Throwing out any deductive reasoning, are you simply asking if I've been going to a friend's house/neighbor/LAN center? The answer is no, and that's a really irrelevant question because lying is possible if you can't verify the truth.

Well, I suggest you go and read our rules then. They can be found from the wiki.

Aside from a bunch of vaguely worded non sense that I could argue down, I'm going to quote the only thing I find relevant:

Do not ruin the game on purpose:
Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).
Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.
Do not feed or suicide on purpose which negatively affects the game.
Do not pause the game while playing in order to distract players and hinder gameplay. Do not save the game.
Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.
Do not purposely glitch or exploit the game.
If teammates shared control, do not abuse it.

If any of this was actually enforced, the player base would be cut down to 10% of what it is. If you honestly disagree that these rules aren't broken in almost every game, you don't play dota on your own servers.

Do not dodge your bans. Dodging is defined as playing on a different account while being banned on another account, often by a (purposely triggered) change of the IP. Dodging is considered a major offense equal to maphacking.

I've always thought this was circular reasoning (don't dodge your ban or we'll ban you, then you'll have to dodge it again!), because someone truly capable of ban dodging, even range ban dodging (which is actually possible to do on certain ISPs), is effectively invincible from any enforcement of any ban. It's a rather impotent threat depending on circumstances.

The fact that you equate it to outright cheating with a 3rd party program is baffling to say the least. I imagine someone caught maphacking isn't given the same sort of punishment anyway or leeway anyway.

Actually, looking at your account(s) ban history, I can see 7 different instances of you breaking the rules. This is also not the first time you've dodged your ban.

Quite honestly I could probably argue down any or all of those. Truthfully, I only get reported in games where I win & the other team lost. I'd be very shocked if I actually lost in any of those. In short, this:

Do not ruin the game on purpose:
Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).
Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.
Do not feed or suicide on purpose which negatively affects the game.
Do not pause the game while playing in order to distract players and hinder gameplay. Do not save the game.
Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.
Do not purposely glitch or exploit the game.
If teammates shared control, do not abuse it.

These rules are fine & very agreeable to me. Most people break these with little to no enforcement aside from bullying & shaming for doing it, which leads to them reporting you for it as a last jab at revenge. I don't bother reporting people who break these rules because it's petty & a waste of time. Again, depending on your ISP & technical skills, IP bans (and range bans) can be very lax & ineffective.

I have to ask you to wait till beginning of July and post another appeal then.

Show me in your wiki rules where 3 (or 4 depending on what you're measuring here) months is the measuring stick for this.

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Re: ban appeal request redux

Postby Quetra » Tue May 15, 2018 12:54 pm

I've always thought this was circular reasoning (don't dodge your ban or we'll ban you, then you'll have to dodge it again!), because someone truly capable of ban dodging, even range ban dodging (which is actually possible to do on certain ISPs), is effectively invincible from any enforcement of any ban. It's a rather impotent threat depending on circumstances.

Have fun trying that then. Your not going to get out of your ban by insulting our rules, policies and moderators.

What you think of them doesn't matter. Follow the rules on our server or don't play on it.


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