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Adolf/Lions_Blood Please Unban RQ

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 6:23 am
by JimboJohnson
Your Warcraft III username: Adolf/Lions_Blood
Realm/Gateway: US@East/Europe/West
Why are you banned: Trash Talk/Spamming ping. Now ban dodge with vpn.
Why you should be unbanned: I don't want to ban dodge, i want to work towards getting back into the game. I feel like the ban was unfair though spamming ping can be annoying and was meant to be. MY apologies for it. Trash talking? Yeah it can be excessive but for the most part if its not disrupting the entire lobby i dont see why it should be bannable. People get pissed off and say things, its human nature. If we could work towards a date that i could be unbanned i would greatly appreciate that. I play Island Defense and love the game, I also make my own maps and use your service for such. Being that you are the only service left on wc3 that is still somewhat active, its hard to go anywhere else, hence why I am writing this thing. Anyways yeah wc3 is old, dying most of the players are old members and I'd really like to get back into the community. @Kappa/Haunt i hope you can understand and leave past beef behind.

Re: Adolf/Lions_Blood Please Unban RQ

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 9:21 am
by Haunt
@JimboJohnson Before we get to your original ban reason (trash talk), I'll give you the same deal we give everyone else. Don't dodge for 3 months, and appeal then. If we find no proof of dodge, we can talk about unbanning you.

Hopefully next time we hear from you is after 20th August.
