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I was banned unfairly

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:28 am
by Cris10n
Your Warcraft III username: cris10n
Realm/Gateway: Azeroth east coast
Why are you banned: doesn’t say reason
Why you should be unbanned: I was in a game where someone left before 5 mins and we all declared draw and I left
I tried join another game and says I’m banned it was apem 91

Re: I was banned unfairly

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:29 am
by Cris10n
I want to be unbanned so I can play

Re: I was banned unfairly

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:34 am
by TrueChaos

Re: I was banned unfairly

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 4:44 am
by FalenGa
Fyi, @Cris10n , you were banned because someone faked the draw message. ... 869864.w3g

(00:37 / All) Fossurious: This game has been voted a draw. You may leave at any time.
(00:38 / Allied) hardcorenoob: !draw
(00:42 / All) bashaloran: cris10n has left the game voluntarily.
(00:42 / QUIT) cris10n: Left
(00:42 / All) bashaloran: Use !draw to vote to draw the game.
(00:44 / All) bashaloran: hardcorenoob has left the game voluntarily.
(00:44 / QUIT) hardcorenoob: Left
(00:44 / All) bashaloran: Use !draw to vote to draw the game.
(00:44 / All) bashaloran: Two players have left in the first few minutes.
(00:44 / All) bashaloran: This game has been marked as a draw. You may leave at any time.
