autobanned for leaving
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:34 pm
Your Warcraft III username: TerfectPits
Realm/Gateway: azeroth
Why are you banned: autobanex
Why you should be unbanned:
I have no idea what happened, i was in a game with a guy that dropped round one. before he ever loaded. It said "single player mode enabled" which i have never seen before. At that time i left, now i am autobanned somehow. please fix asap i would like to play some games this weekend:/
Realm/Gateway: azeroth
Why are you banned: autobanex
Why you should be unbanned:
I have no idea what happened, i was in a game with a guy that dropped round one. before he ever loaded. It said "single player mode enabled" which i have never seen before. At that time i left, now i am autobanned somehow. please fix asap i would like to play some games this weekend:/