amnon obv just ban for the fun
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:30 pm
Your Warcraft III username: Parkoe
Realm/Gateway: Eu west
Why are you banned: FF abuse !?
Why you should be unbanned: Because i didn't wanna play the game duo to our rolls.. That 2 people agreed can't seriously be bannable.. Not like we boosted anyone, and we didn't discuss it.. but sometimes the odds are just against you.. if we were 3 premade you might consider this, but obv im not friends with either of them, and none of us forced anyone to ff.. If you think that 3 votes isn't sufficient, the ff rule should be changed.. so 100% needs to ff for the game to be over..
Realm/Gateway: Eu west
Why are you banned: FF abuse !?
Why you should be unbanned: Because i didn't wanna play the game duo to our rolls.. That 2 people agreed can't seriously be bannable.. Not like we boosted anyone, and we didn't discuss it.. but sometimes the odds are just against you.. if we were 3 premade you might consider this, but obv im not friends with either of them, and none of us forced anyone to ff.. If you think that 3 votes isn't sufficient, the ff rule should be changed.. so 100% needs to ff for the game to be over..