ban appeal please assist.
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:17 am
Warcraft III username:Hydralisk
Realm:us east
Gamename:dota apem 8 i dc'd then i didnt know why i dc'd so played pudge wars #69 to find out and dc'd from there too....
Bot username:ent11?
Situation: i was banned due to two disconnects there was a storm by my house i didnt know about i play in the basement.
Why you should be unbanned:i stay for every dota game i've ever played, never left and i would appreciate it if you helped me out.
Realm:us east
Gamename:dota apem 8 i dc'd then i didnt know why i dc'd so played pudge wars #69 to find out and dc'd from there too....
Bot username:ent11?
Situation: i was banned due to two disconnects there was a storm by my house i didnt know about i play in the basement.
Why you should be unbanned:i stay for every dota game i've ever played, never left and i would appreciate it if you helped me out.