appeal a ban
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:25 am
Warcraft III username:mr.chiefalot@us.west
Realm:us west
Gamename:civilization wars #82
Bot username:ent 16
Situation:lost connection
Why you should be unbanned:Lost connection with Internet. Everything cut off. I cant wait till we get google chrome down here and see how it does. please un ban im a lifetime player that loves these games n the way u guys have these bots set up. excellent work guys n gals.
Realm:us west
Gamename:civilization wars #82
Bot username:ent 16
Situation:lost connection
Why you should be unbanned:Lost connection with Internet. Everything cut off. I cant wait till we get google chrome down here and see how it does. please un ban im a lifetime player that loves these games n the way u guys have these bots set up. excellent work guys n gals.