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autoban 2 days - [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #19

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:13 pm
by diff
Your Warcraft III username: diff
Realm/Gateway: europe
Why are you banned: autoban for leaving 1v1 legion TD
Why you should be unbanned:

I left [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #19 and as far as I know from what i saw in lobby/in-game, he didn't announce that he changed mode, so I made the choice to leave the 1v1, and I haven't left any other legion game for a while (havent played alot lately), but there was - ENT Legion td mega #64 - where all 8 got dc'ed, so maybe that's why im autobanned 2 days instead of a short amount of time...

Would be lovely to be unbanned

Re: autoban 2 days - [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #19

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Merex
Hello diff,

please link us the general rules and the game specific rules of the game(s) you got banned in, and highlight the specific rule(s) you believe you violated.
You can find them on our wiki.

That way, we can ensure another rule-violation by you, caused by not-knowing the rules, will not happen again. After linking us to the rules, we expect you to have read them. Cooperating with us will have a positive effect on your ban duration.

Re: autoban 2 days - [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #19

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:49 pm
by diff
Do not leave before the game has certainly ended, especially if no other player has left.

Can't tell if you're actually serious though, ofcourse I know it's not okay to leave a game, but I have high stay% and he didn't announce the mode so I left a 1v1, and the only reason its not just 1 hour or whatever a normal first autoban is, is because another game crashed in normal 4v4 LTD the day before :D (the one i linked)


Re: autoban 2 days - [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1v1 #19

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:27 pm
by Merex
Yes, I'm actually serious when you blatantly leave and ruin a game for someone because they announced their mode. ... 204126.txt
[Nylky]: hey
[Nylky]: -pr
[Nylky]: if server allows

High % or not, you serve your full ban length if I see this again.
