Ban Appeal Elevens

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Ban Appeal Elevens

Postby elevens » Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:37 pm

Your Warcraft III username: shivers
Realm/Gateway: east
Why are you banned: Accidentally left game.
Why you should be unbanned: With the new patch i can't play on full screen or my mouse doesn't line up. This also means that I cannot adjust screen size once the game starts. I tried to adjust screen size but it just kept getting smaller. I had a nearly impossible time buliding. I tried to adjust screen again and clicked on the "x" in the window and closed the game. Sorry, I always stay in Hellhalt TD even if I leak.

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Re: Ban Appeal Elevens

Postby Desire » Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:53 am

I talked to this individual through discord and he has agreed upon trying not to leave games any longer.

Please be careful next time...

Approved and Processing.

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