Unban me please.
Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:22 am
Warcraft III username: WonBin
Realm: @useast
Situation: today ENT bot is lagg. and a lot of people lagg. and get DC. i'm one of them =(
Why you should be unbanned: Unban me please. if you check my stats i have 95%+ stay. doesn't matter lose or win. but i'm not a leaver. and "usually" almost always i'm not dc... but hope u're know ent bot since yesterday or before is lagg a lot. and not only me is lagg. want to play
DDD unban me please
Realm: @useast
Situation: today ENT bot is lagg. and a lot of people lagg. and get DC. i'm one of them =(
Why you should be unbanned: Unban me please. if you check my stats i have 95%+ stay. doesn't matter lose or win. but i'm not a leaver. and "usually" almost always i'm not dc... but hope u're know ent bot since yesterday or before is lagg a lot. and not only me is lagg. want to play