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BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:31 am
by Iteach_Ulearn
Your Warcraft III username: meteach_ullearn
Realm/Gateway: EAST
Why are you banned: I got ban on January 5th for afk game ruining in base.
Why you should be unbanned: I got ban on January 5th for afk game ruining in base. FIne . So I was ban til January 10th . I waited . Did my time. I played tonight finally with friends. I did a couple of games , I didnt ruin or leave any game tonight. I played a couple. And suddently likeiu an hour ago, it says I am still banned and this until like January 14th. Whats' going on....... I've been playing over and over and never got any issue with any Moderator.... Like i said on the 5th i admit i ruined the game but i did my time, why does this keep on going...............
Please I do need an update on that and if you do require more info i'd be pleased to. I'm off to work right now, played all night... . hopefully tonight it will be fine. I'll take my messages at work dont worry, i am not very happy with this situation. Thank you
Replay Link: Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #84
Your Warcraft III Username: migman
????and this is not even myself what the???Violator's Warcraft III Username: meteach_ullearna
Violated Rule(s): afk griefing at fountain
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): griefing last 20 mins enemy team made us kick him
Any further thoughts: he game ruined many times before that i've seen. still no ban on him
[DOTA] meteach_ullearn I AM APPELING , I did pay my time....
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:32 am
by Iteach_Ulearn
Your Warcraft III username: meteach_ullearn
Realm/Gateway: EAST
Why are you banned: I got ban on January 5th for afk game ruining in base.
Why you should be unbanned: I got ban on January 5th for afk game ruining in base. FIne . So I was ban til January 10th . I waited . Did my time. I played tonight finally with friends. I did a couple of games , I didnt ruin or leave any game tonight. I played a couple. And suddently likeiu an hour ago, it says I am still banned and this until like January 14th. Whats' going on....... I've been playing over and over and never got any issue with any Moderator.... Like i said on the 5th i admit i ruined the game but i did my time, why does this keep on going...............
Please I do need an update on that and if you do require more info i'd be pleased to. I'm off to work right now, played all night... . hopefully tonight it will be fine. I'll take my messages at work dont worry, i am not very happy with this situation. Thank you
Replay Link: Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #84
Your Warcraft III Username: migman
????and this is not even myself what the???Violator's Warcraft III Username: meteach_ullearna
Violated Rule(s): afk griefing at fountain
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): griefing last 20 mins enemy team made us kick him
Any further thoughts: he game ruined many times before that i've seen. still no ban on him
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:55 am
by Iteach_Ulearn
I found this guy.. what the heck is that ? Ban dodging? how , i have not been playing from like January 5th maybe until last night January 10th.... I dont get it at all. How can i be banned for "ban Dodghing " if i waited until i got unbanned to play? And believe me or not, i understand that avoiding a ban could be suspended, but i honestly have no clue how i could get into an ENT game while i'm banned, ..... I want my right to play , i did wait my 5 days.
Contact: Contact Draco
[DOTA] illteach_ulearn dodging
Postby Draco » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:26 pm
Replay Link: Name: [ent] dota apem us/ca #63
Your Warcraft III Username: vebn
Violator's Warcraft III Username: illteach_ulearn
Violated Rule(s): Ban dodging
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): viewtopic.php?f=24&t=139162
Any further thoughts: Was banned for 4 days, just i.p dodged on new acc. Plays exactly the same. Has same "?" on his I.P location
Re: [DOTA] meteach_ullearn I AM APPELING , I did pay my time....
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:48 am
by Ziadoma
Your other account "illteach_ulearn"got banned for a different game:
Re: [DOTA] meteach_ullearn I AM APPELING , I did pay my time....
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:07 pm
by Iteach_Ulearn
OK so i got banned this very morning beacause of something that would have happenned December 30th? as below
Postby Draco » Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:48 am
Violator's Warcraft III Username: marley3317 (silencer) illteach_ulearn (viper)
Violated Rule(s): ghosting, afk/feeding/griefing during raxx defense.
So what did i do there exactly? i didnt defend m throne enough? maybe we all gave up why am i being pointed out?
Anyway, we are january 11th today , i am very sorry if i had a bad behaviour this holida times, i have m own reason but i took my sentence already, i have waited until January 10th to start playing again withoput even appealing.
Like i said i did m time for that, i am a 6-8 hours per day player and you dont see me here complaning often. If i gave the impression of giving up. note that this is not my way to play otherwise i would not have the patience to be still a DOta player after mabe i'd say 12 years....
I took good note of all commenbts towards, i am sorry but i had a very harsch time . I'm asking ou to please unbanme for behaviours i just plaided guilty and did my time.... Can we agree?
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:31 pm
by Merex
You were re-banned for a continuance of griefing from an entirely different game by myself. If you are willing to do it a first & second time, how will I know you won't do it a third?
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:40 pm
by Iteach_Ulearn
Like i said Merezx, i must have tenth of thousand of games and i do hate people that gave up game early because they are 0-2 ( killed by mines lets say hahaha) Dota is all about map control , team awareness, and make advantage of what you can.
I said this periode of time was kind of exceptionnal kind in a bad way for my family and I but this is no excuse for ruining a game... the fact that i waited until ysterday to play, made me enjoy it believe me.
I just rewatyched this particular game.... man i ahve the same feeling about that Silencer, he wasd like jsut was blind and honestly by looking at it again, i realizefd i was the opne all the way fgrom the beginning cheering my team uop. I was the one taking most of the risk ect..... but it frelt like they diodnt even realized, and forme tyhey were the one who gae up by tyheir lack of skills.
But still, i probably should not have encourage team so much to FF i guess. I understood.
I jsut got home, im going grab a puizzas for the kids and i'll be back in 1 jhour, hopefully i can have a good dota night as kids are goign to grandmass as planned hahah YE!.
Sorry about , and plrease let me teach good skills and good teamwork the way i know ic an
Thanks Merex
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:30 am
by Merex
Please link me the general rules and the game specific rules of the game(s) you got banned in, and highlight the specific rule(s) you believe you violated.
You can find them on our wiki.
That way, I can ensure another rule-violation by you, caused by not-knowing the rules, will not happen again. After linking me to the rules, I expect you to have read them. Cooperating will have a positive effect on your ban duration.
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:35 am
by Iteach_Ulearn
Ok perfect merex give me and hour or so before i post it, just to get through all the rules not to be broken
and all information about proper behaviour we should have to play on ent
Will be done
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:31 am
by Iteach_Ulearn
As requested, i have done my duty
General Rules
Do not abuse votekick, !draw, or !ff.
Drawing is a mere vote and not mandatory. You must have a legitimate reason to draw: for example, a player has left the game, or the mode was unannounced.
To !ff the game must evidently be lost.
Do not pause the game while playing in order to distract players and hinder gameplay. Do not save the game.
Do not spam during games (chat, ping, etc.).
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
Do not leave before the game has certainly ended, especially if no other player has left.
Do not delay a game from starting by joining/leaving multiple times or otherwise.
Do not lie about modes. If you intend to choose a non-default mode or if there is no known default mode, announce the mode in lobby or vote ingame/in lobby.
Do not deceive players about rules in an attempt to get them banned/to force them to do something they are not obligated to such as !draw.
Do not dodge your bans. Dodging is defined as playing on a different account while being banned on another account, often by a (purposely triggered) change of the IP. Dodging is considered a major offense equal to maphacking.
The use of any utility that hides your real IP (proxies/vpns, etc.).
The use of any utility (FCD, maphack, stream sniping, etc.) that gives you an unfair advantage over other players will result in a heavy ban.
Do not multibox. Using two computers/two accounts to be in one (and the same) game as one human being is not allowed.
Do not impersonate any Enterprise Gaming authority (be it a staff member or our bot).
Do not threaten or mock community members and do not ddos or dox them.
Game Ruining Rules
Do not ruin the game on purpose:
Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).
Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.
Do not feed or suicide on purpose which negatively affects the game.
Do not purposely glitch or exploit the game.
Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.
[color=#FF0000]Do not refuse to learn/and or cooperate: this does not mean being new/bad is bannable.[/color]
If teammates shared control, do not abuse it.
Defense of the Ancients Rules
The following are prohibited:
You may not leave on a 5v5, 5v4, 4v5 or 4v4 game.
Un-sharing of a courier that has been crowed by another player (unless control was abused or you purchase a replacement courier).
Do not pick meepo on v6.84
I would like to thank you Merez, it is always good to know people are still conscious enopughabout the game and this is why i cant stop playing after all that time. Can't wait now to teach! have a good evening
Re: BAN APPEAL ( meteach_ullearn)
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:27 pm
by Merex