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Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:23 am
by legionnaireMega
Your Warcraft III username: letzrockithard, open.., buttstuffjr, SweetButPsycho, Ultimate_Cagr, PwngeFactor
Realm/Gateway: ENTconnect
Why are you banned: we were banned for draw abuse.
Why you should be unbanned:
in the rules it states that
When picking a mode other than the default one (-hpgmcb prophet or -phgmcb), mode setter (red) must announce it in the lobby before the game starts. Every player must be informed, so they have the opportunity to leave in case of dislike.

game id:

During this game however, every player was not informed as they joined the lobby. There was only ONE time he mentioned which was right before the countdown started. This does NOT give adequate time to leave the game.
If you are going to do a different game mode this should be done after each player joins. So that there is no confusion over game mode.
If you look at the chat.
if you, the admin had gone and read through the chat you would see that because he announced this mode so late and not to each person as they joined. This confusion is demonstrated by 5 people AT LEAST thought that this mode was not called.

this is the rule that we are all being banned for.
Drawing is a mere vote and not mandatory. You must have a legitimate reason to draw: for example, a player has left the game, or the mode was unannounced.
if 5 people stated that the game mode was not announced and 2 other people did not see the anouncement ie, Open.. and PwngeFactor and were just going with what the majority thought. how does this justify a ban for either of these two.

Re: Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:25 am
by LetzRockitHard

Re: Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:48 am
by kasper699
serve the ban or say the rule you broke show some remorse so you wont brake the rules again.

for example the a mod did the same thing only said it once just before count down same as me.
lobby chat log of example
[System]: *** player [era2despe] has joined the game
[System]: *** player [HellenicNS] has joined the game
[System]: [era2despe@entconnect] has played 4 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 988.95). W/L: 1/3.
[System]: [HellenicNS@entconnect] has played 23 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 971.44). W/L: 9/14.
[System]: *** player [baekryun] has joined the game
[System]: [baekryun@entconnect] has played 2 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 982.21). W/L: 0/2.
[System]: Spoof check accepted for [baekryun] on server [].
[System]: *** player [raphoxrs] has joined the game
[System]: [raphoxrs@entconnect] has played 12 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 1015.96). W/L: 6/6.
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: *** player [LoveComesAgain] has joined the game
[System]: [LoveComesAgain@entconnect] hasn't played any games of the specified type here.
[raphoxrs]: !scores
[System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: *** player [era2despe] has left the game (has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host))
[System]: *** player [Quetra] has joined the game
[System]: [Quetra@entconnect] has played 52 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 962.83). W/L: 19/33.
[System]: *** player [Pepehuenco] has joined the game
[System]: [Pepehuenco@entconnect] has played 6 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 1021.14). W/L: 4/2.
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start.
[raphoxrs]: !scores
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start.
[Pepehuenco]: lovecomesagains is a noob
[Pepehuenco]: send solo in all lvls xD
[System]: *** player [Frieza] has joined the game
[System]: [Frieza@entconnect] has played 8 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 995.46). W/L: 4/4.
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start.
[Frieza]: !scores
[System]: *** player [Frieza] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: *** player [LordGiming] has joined the game
[System]: [LordGiming@entconnect] has played 2 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 973.59). W/L: 0/2.
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start.
[System]: *** player [era2despe] has joined the game
[System]: [era2despe@entconnect] has played 4 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 988.95). W/L: 1/3.
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: era2despe
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: era2despe
[Quetra]: mode is -pr
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: era2despe
[System]: 10. . .
[System]: 9. . .
[System]: 8. . .
[System]: 7. . .
[System]: 6. . .
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[System]: *** player [Quetra] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [LoveComesAgain] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Pepehuenco] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [HellenicNS] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [raphoxrs] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [era2despe] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [baekryun] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [LordGiming] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

our game lobby chat log
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: Open..
[notdimi]: -phgmcbnm
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: Open..
[System]: 10. . .

be me get done for ff abuse 2 times i served 5 days and 8 days.
you are responsible for your own decision with vote kick, draw, and ff.

i did say in game "(00:44 / All) notdimi: draw then and i see you on the ent message board for draw abuse"

Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:54 am
by legionnaireMega
one you are not an admin.
two i did if you didn't read the above, more fool you.
i didn't say you should get banned I said this ban was unjust.

Re: Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:09 pm
by Merex
Every player was informed. You do not decide when a game is drawn or not over something such as the mode unless it violates ENT rules, which in this case, it didn't.

Following that, you will appeal for yourself and yourself only.

Please link me the general rules and the game specific rules of the game(s) you got banned in, and highlight the specific rule(s) you believe you violated.
You can find them on our wiki.

That way, I can ensure another rule-violation by you, caused by not-knowing the rules, will not happen again. After linking me to the rules, I expect you to have read them. Cooperating will have a positive effect on your ban duration.

Re: Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:14 pm
by Panopticon
In addition to what @Merex stated above (ninja'd), you had more than adequate time to leave, as it takes the bot roughly 5-10 seconds to ping a player before the bot goes into countdown, with another 5-10 seconds for countdown to actually begin.

In other words, You can't claim not to have enough time to leave when red states the mode when you had roughly 30 seconds for the game to actually start after the last person joins.

Re: Re: [LTD] 6 players draw abuse

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:55 pm
by Merex