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Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:56 pm
by thegreatMOAMOA
because of a ban request of tittietwister:
ban request abuse and wrong reasons:
To resume the game 1 player of each team was afk at start (lobby was slow, like 15 min to start) we started to pause, , pink (opponent team) came back, we cancelled his vk, then we tried to draw (lvl 1 didnt started yet) but 1 or 2 from the opponent team (+ the afk from our team of course) didnt draw, we indeed wanted a draw but we didnt vk tittietwister for that reason -> we started a vk to blue (the afk one) before lvl 1 starts and tittietwister didnt vote, we got a full leak + a scout

ban request link from tittie

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:09 pm
by Tessyre
we did pause the game in order to vk blue (the afk) but tittie unpaused it and let the lvl 1 come on purpose without any warning just cause pink came back and didn't want to wait for our teammate forcing us to vk cause he kept unpausing the game .

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:20 pm
by Quetra
(11:10 / All) TheLeviathan: kick and draw this this
(11:21 / All) Ostefar: how about just drawing this?
(11:25 / Private) thegreatMOAMOA: lets just kick yellow
(11:27 / Private) thegreatMOAMOA: and draw

No, it's transparent what the reason was. Also the votekick he 'didnt vote on' was passed immediately so you had no legitimate reason to kick him for this anyway:

(05:04 / Allied) thegreatMOAMOA: !votekick una
(05:04 / All) unavaiable: A votekick against player [unavaiable] has been started by player [thegreatMOAMOA]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(05:04 / All) unavaiable: Type !yes to vote.
(05:04 / All) unavaiable: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(05:09 / Allied) Tessyre: !yes
(05:09 / All) unavaiable: Player [Tessyre] voted to kick player [unavaiable]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(05:09 / Allied) h.awk.eye: !yes
(05:09 / All) unavaiable: Player [h.awk.eye] voted to kick player [unavaiable]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(05:12 / Allied) thegreatMOAMOA: !yes
(05:17 / Allied) Ostefar: !yes
(05:17 / All) unavaiable: Player [Ostefar] voted to kick player [unavaiable]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(05:21 / All) thegreatMOAMOA: kick
(05:30 / Allied) thegreatMOAMOA: !scores
(05:30 / All) Ostefar: c'mon lol
(05:33 / Allied) prkenej10: !yes
(05:33 / All) unavaiable: A votekick against player [unavaiable] has passed.

Not that it's about that at all, since the votekick on tittie took place 5 minutes later, when you wanted to draw.

Also, you need to appeal separately.

we did pause the game in order to vk blue (the afk) but tittie unpaused it and let the lvl 1 come on purpose without any warning just cause pink came back and didn't wait to wait for our teammate .

Unpausing is not against the rules, refusing to draw is not against the rules, but votekicking for no reason is.

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:00 pm
by thegreatMOAMOA
"Not that it's about that at all, since the votekick on tittie took place 5 minutes later, when you wanted to draw."

We wanted a draw since the 3rd minute not at the 11th, it was 3vs4 since everyobdy knew pink and blue was afk but only pink came back
(01:10 / All) Tessyre: blue afk
(01:12 / All) prkenej10: pink also

"Unpausing is not against the rules, refusing to draw is not against the rules, but votekicking for no reason is."

But he refused to vk someone who is afk, indeed unpausing isnt against the rules but our point was to gain time to votekick blue before lvl 1 starts, im pretty sure not votekicking on purpose someone who is afk is against the rules
We started the votekick before lvl 1 started and has passed after lvl 1 started

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:38 pm
by Quetra
It's not bannable for refusing to vote if the votekick passed especially when it was passed so quickly.

It is obvious it was about the draw... as evident from the chat. Regardless it would be abusive anyway. There was no reason to kick nor is there a reason to kick someone even if they were refusing to vote.

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:50 pm
by Tessyre
But shouldn't it be another moderator to treat our appeal ? cause it's kind of illogical that it is u who banned us that review our appeal cause the principle of an appeal is to have a second opinion from another admin right? how can u review our request if you are already persuade that we deserve it ?

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:00 pm
by Merex
You don't kick a player because they don't want to draw.

Bans are valid.

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:42 am
by Ostefar
This is ridiculous, it was the worst and most unfair game without players present and a hostile tone from the start to the end.

How long is the ban?

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:52 am
by Ziadoma
You can find it in the banrequest: viewtopic.php?t=139572

Re: Unban appeal for 6 players

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:49 am
by Merex
No response.

Ban expires in 1 day, can wait it out.