Un Ban please

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Un Ban please

Postby Melphis20 » Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:33 am

Your Warcraft III username: Melphis20
Realm/Gateway: US West
Why are you banned: TID: 143158, rangeban
Why you should be unbanned: I was in Spain and internet was shit, but dont remember getting lagged out of any game?

Cant see any ban requests for my name, and normally when you lag out if that was the case is it not autobanex?

Can you please unban my account again,



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Re: Un Ban please

Postby Melphis20 » Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:35 am

Ps. can see from other posts its because of trying to skip ban with another IP? I was on holiday
Melphis20 is my only account
And I normally would play from my IP I always use, did not know you could not play anywhere with your account :)

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Re: Un Ban please

Postby FalenGa » Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:21 am

Hello @Melphis20 ,

The range ban you were caught on was placed for another user. I've made some adjustments to it, so you should have no further issues playing any game other than dota.

If you wish to play dota, we will need to whitelist you. That's a story for another time, tho, so if you do ever wish to move to dota, please create a new appeal and make sure to link us to this one, so we can add you to the whitelist without any further delays.

Enjoy your games.

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