(00:00 / All) Vigorolo: Good luck and have fun!
(00:06 / Allied) Vigorolo: !scores
(00:15 / Allied) backpack: -random
(00:19 / Allied) WhatsUp: !scores
(00:40 / Allied) stickman11355: !scores
(00:55 / Allied) dumpster_: mid
(01:05 / Allied) dumpster_: !sd humi
(01:09 / Allied) dumpster_: !sd ickma
(01:14 / Allied) dumpster_: !sd igo
(01:48 / Allied) WhatsUp: oh god
(01:49 / Allied) WhatsUp: fuck tehir etam
(01:50 / Allied) WhatsUp: team
(01:54 / Allied) dumpster_: spec gonna grab a diffusal?
(02:03 / Allied) stickman11355: not sure
(02:08 / Allied) stickman11355: depends on money
(02:31 / Allied) dumpster_: then againwe got nort
(02:35 / Allied) dumpster_: to dreain leo
(02:41 / Allied) dumpster_: gg
(02:58 / Allied) HumidDiamond: stfu teal you talk to much
(03:01 / Allied) backpack: !sd ta-ta
(03:02 / All) backpack: gg
(03:03 / Allied) dumpster_: get cancer
(03:04 / Allied) dumpster_: bitch
(03:05 / All) backpack: !ff
(03:07 / Allied) dumpster_: !ignore humi
(03:07 / All) Vigorolo: Player [dumpster_] has ignored player [HumidDiamond].
(03:11 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: why lanaya
(03:11 / Allied) HumidDiamond: big nouth little dick
(03:14 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: we wil dc
(03:16 / All) Vigorolo: again you pick templar?
(03:17 / Allied) Ta-Ta: why not? *
(03:21 / All) Vigorolo: you didn't learn from the 1st time?
(03:22 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: we will get dc
(03:27 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: lanaya is bug\
(03:34 / Allied) stickman11355: ss
(03:38 / All) Vigorolo: you actually do want to get banned, don't you?
(03:40 / All) sixamenoi: u re gonna get reported
(03:45 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: re[ick that
(03:49 / All) backpack: !draw
(03:49 / All) Vigorolo: Player [backpack] has voted to draw the game. 7 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:52 / All) Ta-Ta: prev game was good
(03:53 / Allied) sixamenoi: !draw
(03:53 / All) Vigorolo: Player [sixamenoi] has voted to draw the game. 6 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:56 / All) WhatsUp: ?
(04:01 / All) Vigorolo: last game you picked lanaya you desynced
(04:11 / All) WhatsUp: y draw?>
(04:12 / All) Ta-Ta: you kick me **************
(04:13 / All) sixamenoi: she did it again?
(04:16 / All) Vigorolo: because lanaya?
(04:20 / All) Vigorolo: no, you desynced
(04:21 / All) WhatsUp: oohhh bug
(04:22 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: lanay is bug in this version
(04:23 / All) WhatsUp: right
(04:25 / All) Ta-Ta: . **********
(04:27 / All) WhatsUp: !draw
(04:27 / All) Vigorolo: Player [WhatsUp] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:32 / Allied) Vigorolo: !draw
(04:32 / All) Vigorolo: Player [Vigorolo] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:33 / Allied) dumpster_: !draw
(04:33 / All) Vigorolo: Player [dumpster_] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:35 / Allied) comeonbaby: !draw
(04:35 / All) Vigorolo: Player [comeonbaby] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:40 / All) sixamenoi: why are we still playing guys?
(04:40 / Allied) WhatsUp: its a bug
(04:41 / Allied) WhatsUp: lanaya
(04:44 / All) sixamenoi: just report her
(04:47 / All) WhatsUp: its a bug
(04:49 / All) WhatsUp: we will disc
(04:52 / All) sixamenoi: !draw
(04:53 / All) backpack: j ust draw then report
(04:56 / Allied) dumpster_: mid going up
(04:58 / Allied) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: !draw
(04:58 / All) Vigorolo: Player [(ROBO)runRoiDiX] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(05:02 / Allied) HumidDiamond: !draw
(05:02 / All) Vigorolo: The game has now been recorded as a draw. You may leave at any time.
(05:05 / All) Vigorolo: WhatsUp has left the game voluntarily.
(05:05 / QUIT) WhatsUp: Left
(05:05 / All) Ta-Ta: stop draw *********
(05:06 / All) Vigorolo: HumidDiamond has left the game voluntarily.
(05:06 / QUIT) HumidDiamond: Left
(05:07 / All) Ta-Ta: wtf **********
(05:08 / All) Vigorolo: stickman11355 has left the game voluntarily.
(05:08 / QUIT) stickman11355: Left
(05:08 / All) Vigorolo: (ROBO)runRoiDiX has left the game voluntarily.
(05:08 / QUIT) (ROBO)runRoiDiX: Left
(05:09 / All) Vigorolo: sixamenoi has left the game voluntarily.
(05:09 / QUIT) sixamenoi: Left
(05:10 / Allied) Vigorolo: !undraw
(05:10 / All) Vigorolo: dumpster_ has left the game voluntarily.
(05:10 / QUIT) dumpster_: Left
(05:11 / All) Vigorolo: comeonbaby has left the game voluntarily.
(05:11 / QUIT) comeonbaby: Left
(05:12 / All) Vigorolo: Ta-Ta has left the game voluntarily.
(05:12 / QUIT) Ta-Ta: Left
(05:13 / All) Vigorolo: backpack has left the game voluntarily.
(05:13 / QUIT) backpack: Left
(05:14 / All) Vigorolo: Vigorolo has left the game voluntarily.
(05:14 / QUIT) Vigorolo: Left