Kidding right. How about you take the time to read through the entire game chat before you make judgement on what you hear ingame on another team where you have no idea whats going on.
Died once in forest with phoenix because got hit by range creep. I defy you to find any time i "Died multiple times" in forest. The game you references my score is 0/2. please dont over indulge. Secondly K!ngsky has on Multiple occasions picks Eza when on my team. Many (many) times before that. He continually TP's me to ledges. The "I don't mind" is in reference to not giving him the satisfaction of trying to F*ck my games. If i purchase TP's to get off he simply tp's me back again. So i save for either blink or force staff.
First game you reference:
(03:51 / All) K!ngSky: fuck you noob fuck
05:25 / All) K!ngSky: draw it i dont play with this fucking noob mother fucker
(07:29 / All) K!ngSky: leave noob mother fucker
(07:38 / Allied) SpacedOUT: !ignore sky
(08:53 / Allied) K!ngSky: !votekicl space
(09:00 / Allied) K!ngSky: !votekick space
(09:00 / All) h0nkh0nk: A votekick against player [SpacedOUT] has been started by player [K!ngSky]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(09:00 / All) h0nkh0nk: Type !yes to vote.
(09:00 / All) h0nkh0nk: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(09:05 / All) K!ngSky: kick this fucking tool
(09:07 / All) SpacedOUT: i dont care if you wnat to kick
(09:09 / All) SpacedOUT: seems you dont draw
(09:13 / All) SpacedOUT: but happy to kick
(09:29 / All) SpacedOUT: thats the quality of players arouind now
(10:01 / All) K!ngSky: kikc this fucking noob fuck famrinb 4v5
(10:05 / Allied) donttestme: !ignore space
(10:09) donttestme killed K!ngSky
(10:12 / Allied) theFur: ss
(10:36 / All) K!ngSky: im done gonna sit in base
(10:44 / All) K!ngSky: no draw no kick ok
(10:49 / Allied) K!ngSky: !votekick space
(11:04) h0nkh0nk killed bentin
(11:21 / All) K!ngSky: watch me fucking ruin next game with this mother fucker
Second Game you reference:
You see where i realised he had picked EZA.
(12:14 / Allied) SpacedOUT: lol i never noticed what king picked
(12:20 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he is ruining
(12:24) bentin killed echapp
(12:26 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i dont mind
(12:34 / Allied) K!ngSky: stfu u noob mother fucker
(12:38 / Allied) bentin: well i will report him
(12:42 / Allied) bentin: !ignore K!ng
(12:42 / Allied) K!ngSky: i tols u piece of shit with me your not gonna play
12:51 / Allied) SpacedOUT: im stuck
(13:01 / Allied) bentin: buy a tp
(13:02 / Allied) evilnut: potm ulti
(13:09) Absolutedota killed donttestme
(13:47) bentin killed evilnut
(13:59) SpacedOUT killed MK4R32
(14:15 / Allied) bentin: how about you just buy a tp and participate in game?
(14:20 / Allied) bentin: if not ill just report you along
(14:34 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he can tp me back for free
(14:34 / All) K!ngSky: kick this fucking tool
(14:38 / All) MK4R32: spacout auto L lol
(14:52 / All) SpacedOUT: he doing his usual Eza thing and tp ppl to cliff
(15:00 / All) bentin: 2nd time i play with these 2 ruiners in same team
(15:01 / All) bentin: in 1h
(15:04 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he can tp me back for free
(15:43 / All) SpacedOUT: he tp me to cliff
(16:01 / All) K!ngSky: stay dont fcking move u piece of shit nub mother fucker
(16:33 / Allied) K!ngSky: dont fucking talk dont fucking move just sit u dog mother fucker
(17:39 / Allied) evilnut: buy tp
(17:43 / Allied) SpacedOUT: no point
(17:44 / Observers) bentin: y
(17:46 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he will do it again
17:56 / Allied) SpacedOUT: im not spending $$'s on tp's its a waste
(18:06 / All) bentin: !FF
(18:08 / Allied) K!ngSky: this mother fucker is gonna sit there and not move
(18:10 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he does it most games
(18:23 / Allied) SpacedOUT: im not bothering because he just does it again
(18:24 / Allied) K!ngSky: i told this nub mother fucker every game his ine with me gonna happen
(18:41 / Allied) K!ngSky: thats right dont fucking move dont talk u gook motjer fucker
(22:02 / Allied) SpacedOUT: im getting force staff
(22:10 / Allied) SpacedOUT: then its free each time he does it
(22:34 / Allied) SpacedOUT: watch
(22:43 / Allied) SpacedOUT: as soon as i go off he will do it
(24:21 / Observers) bentin: yeah i think you can just confirm it, and also demand ban
(24:21 / Allied) K!ngSky: didnt i fuicking tell u not to move
(24:53 / Allied) SpacedOUT: told you
(27:09 / All) SpacedOUT: he tp me now to where houses are
(27:16 / All) PucziPuczi: yeah so start votekick
(27:23 / All) SpacedOUT: too late. game is ruined
One you missed. Very next game. / All) SpacedOUT: well guys Eza is going to do it again im sorry
(00:45 / All) SpacedOUT: he will continue to TP me
(01:22 / All) K!ngSky: im not gonna play with this feeding fucking noob
(01:31 / Allied) Legion-00: !ignore ngsk
(01:32 / All) K!ngSky: i will ruin his fucking game
(01:38 / All) thegameruiner: dont
(01:40 / All) K!ngSky: he picked pL
(01:55 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i get pl so i can get off cliff easy
(01:56 / All) K!ngSky: he does that always
(01:56 / Allied) SpacedOUT: relax
(02:06 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he will jsut tp me all game
(02:09 / Allied) K!ngSky: u think pl gonna save u stupid fuck
(10:48 / Allied) SpacedOUT: see ruining
(10:55 / Allied) rAy77: help top
(11:23) smokestack killed evilnut
(12:01 / Allied) SpacedOUT: omw
(12:43 / Allied) evilnut: w8\
(12:53 / Allied) SpacedOUT: told you
(13:05 / Allied) thegameruiner: ok
(13:05 / Allied) thegameruiner: but
(13:08) xXxMaxXx killed evilnut
(13:08 / All) SpacedOUT: ok eza started tp me
(13:29 / All) SpacedOUT: kick pls
(14:08 / All) K!ngSky: kick pl u stupid fucks
(15:00 / Allied) SpacedOUT: watch
(15:03 / Allied) SpacedOUT: see
(15:17 / Allied) SpacedOUT: this will happen now all game
(15:22 / Allied) K!ngSky: !votekick space
(19:37 / All) SpacedOUT: i knew he would do it
(19:41 / All) SpacedOUT: exactly like he is
(21:01 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he just brings me back
(21:39 / Allied) SpacedOUT: explain what i did wrong this game
(21:42 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i dare you
(21:56 / Allied) SpacedOUT: waiting
(22:03 / Allied) thegameruiner: dont care whats your both problem
(22:15 / Allied) SpacedOUT: explain what i have done this game
(22:32 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i cant be held accountable for som others players anal hurting
(22:48 / Allied) K!ngSky: i dont play with that fucking noob fuck
(22:50 / Allied) SpacedOUT: so if i pick Eza and tp you around is that your problem also
(22:56 / Allied) SpacedOUT: is it your fault?
now he started tp Gond
(25:58 / Allied) SpacedOUT: sorry was trying to help
(25:59) thegameruiner killed SpacedOUT
(26:04) smokestack killed evilnut
(26:05 / Allied) echapp: half team staying b
(26:07 / Allied) 13wolves: hit the tomb....
(26:09 / All) rAy77: A votekick against player [K!ngSky] has expired.
(26:09 / Allied) SpacedOUT: but the noob tp me again
(26:13 / Allied) Legion-00: HIT THE TOMB fucking yes
(26:25 / All) thegameruiner: !votekick sky
(26:27 / All) thegameruiner: can you
(26:28 / All) thegameruiner: kick him
(26:31 / All) thegameruiner: he tp
(26:39 / Allied) thegameruiner: ok crash it
(26:41 / Allied) thegameruiner: if you know how
(26:49 / Allied) SpacedOUT: nope
(26:54 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i know how but i woont
(26:55 / Allied) thegameruiner: i also dont know
(26:56 / Allied) thegameruiner: bullshits
(27:02 / Allied) thegameruiner: .. ok
(27:04 / Allied) thegameruiner: so lets lose it
(27:07 / Allied) SpacedOUT: pl crashers getting banned anyway
(27:15 / Allied) xXxMaxXx: mid tower
(27:16 / Allied) xXxMaxXx: all
(27:18 / Allied) thegameruiner: what banned
(27:21 / Allied) SpacedOUT: check the forum. huge list
(27:25 / Allied) thegameruiner: -disablehelp
(27:33 / Allied) thegameruiner: suck it
(27:33 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i tried to warn you
(27:35 / Allied) thegameruiner: stupid nigger
(27:36 / Allied) thegameruiner: _!_
(27:42 / Allied) SpacedOUT: disable help doesnt work
(29:48 / Allied) K!ngSky: stpid mother fucker it was with him
(29:53 / All) rAy77: A votekick against player [K!ngSky] has expired.
(29:54 / Allied) thegameruiner: now
(29:56 / Allied) thegameruiner: its with you
(29:57 / Allied) K!ngSky: but u had to get involed u stupid cunt
(29:57 / Allied) thegameruiner:
(30:02 / Allied) thegameruiner: you will suck it hard
(30:05 / Allied) thegameruiner: stupid little nigger
(30:06 / Allied) thegameruiner: _!_
(30:09 / Allied) K!ngSky: im fucking worried
(30:14 / Allied) thegameruiner: hahahah oh you are
(30:21 / Allied) SpacedOUT: i ignored him dude
(30:25 / Allied) SpacedOUT: at srart
(30:26 / Allied) K!ngSky: yeah im worried
(37:47 / Allied) K!ngSky: nob mother fucker toldyour not gonna play with me
(37:55 / Allied) K!ngSky: big mouth fucking wog fuck
(38:25 / Allied) K!ngSky: talk now u bog mouth noob mohter fucker
(38:38 / All) rAy77: evilnut has left the game voluntarily.
(38:38 / QUIT) evilnut: Left
(38:41 / Allied) K!ngSky: fucking noob fuck piece of shit
(39:53 / Allied) K!ngSky: sit down forest
45:47 / Allied) thegameruiner: hes so stupid...
(46:16 / Allied) echapp: !ff
(46:19 / Allied) echapp: ff it
(46:48 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he is gay for me
(47:02 / Allied) SpacedOUT: he keeps wanting me beside him
(47:05 / Allied) thegameruiner: with his breother
(47:06 / Allied) thegameruiner:
Then started on SK
(54:38 / Allied) thegameruiner: !unignore sky
(54:42 / Allied) thegameruiner: go tp someone
(54:43 / Allied) thegameruiner: idiot
(54:45 / Allied) thegameruiner: hahahahaha
(54:52 / Allied) thegameruiner: was personal, right?
(54:54 / Allied) thegameruiner: now you tp
(54:55 / Allied) thegameruiner: leoric
(54:58 / Allied) thegameruiner: is that personal?
(54:59 / Allied) thegameruiner: idiot
(55:05 / Allied) thegameruiner: useless piece of shit
(55:07 / Allied) thegameruiner: !ignore sky
Through this entire game I was TP to cliffs, gully's up to houses. in forrest. There is absolutely no way to stop him TP you.
At any point if you want me to locate all the other instances prior this player has done this then please let me know. If you need any proof simply watch the replay of the above game.
The defence rests.