bug27 one min solve (no need replay)
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:38 pm
Your Warcraft III username:
Why are you banned:
Why you should be unbanned:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 208156.w3g
ok may u won't ban for it but please warn the guy, lvl 08 not fuckign skilling mana burn he cost some early fights here
(19:49 / All) tradwhore: ok i realised magina have no mana burn
02:08 Blink 1
2 03:27 Spell Shield 1
3 04:45 Spell Shield 2
4 06:37 Blink 2
5 08:48 Spell Shield 3
6 14:26 Blink 3
7 16:41 Blink 4
8 21:24 Mana Break 1
Why are you banned:
Why you should be unbanned:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 208156.w3g
ok may u won't ban for it but please warn the guy, lvl 08 not fuckign skilling mana burn he cost some early fights here
(19:49 / All) tradwhore: ok i realised magina have no mana burn
02:08 Blink 1
2 03:27 Spell Shield 1
3 04:45 Spell Shield 2
4 06:37 Blink 2
5 08:48 Spell Shield 3
6 14:26 Blink 3
7 16:41 Blink 4
8 21:24 Mana Break 1