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Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 4:07 pm
by Jazzy3113
Violator's Warcraft III Username: DerFuhrer

Violated Rule(s): Blatant Racism

Replay Link: ... 217537.w3g

Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #93

Any further thoughts:

I know we let alot of smack talk slide here. But ever since astros lost his mod-ship and has been openly racist, i feel like it has given other people the strength to also be racist.

I let most of the racist stuff go as well, have not even submitted astros, but this game this kid just went off this game to such a racist degree. So much racism and hitler praising. It was gross.

@iambackk - can we please get a reasonable ban for such blatant racism? timestamps below from game.

He was also super racist in lobby but have no idea how to timestamp the lobbies. I mean his screen name is H*tler nickname for goodness sake.

(08:13 / All) DerFuhrer: the power of the dot
(08:15 / All) DerFuhrer: lopl
(08:20 / All) DerFuhrer: DOT HINDU

(27:44 / All) DerFuhrer: DOT

(28:02 / All) DerFuhrer: HH (short hand for Heil H*tler)

(28:14 / All) jazzy3113: !timestamp hitler praise

(28:19 / All) DerFuhrer: mny honor is my loyality

(28:32 / All) jazzy3113: i hope ifck isnt a nazi so u get banned

(28:40 / All) DerFuhrer: Lol
(28:44 / All) DerFuhrer: i didnt say anythign racist

(28:58 / All) jazzy3113: u been saying racist indian stuff and then said HH
(29:06 / All) DerFuhrer: is said dot
(29:07 / All) jazzy3113: hopefully ifck is anti racism,we will see when i post
(29:08 / Allied) DerFuhrer: DOT!
(29:10 / All) DerFuhrer: DOT!
(29:18 / All) jazzy3113: !timetamp more racism

(30:18 / All) DerFuhrer: 711
(30:22 / All) DerFuhrer: your spot?
(30:28 / All) jazzy3113: !timestamp racism

(31:44 / All) DerFuhrer: u swear on the many arms of vishnu?

In the lobby of the next game, if you know how to look up lobby chat, he also typed 88, which is a white nationalist and nazi number. 88 is a white supremacist numerical code for Heil H*tler.

Lobby comments from the next game:

one more im good to go
dot dot dot dot dot
squishee flavor?

I feel like talking crap is fine.

But when people like this guy talking about families or just open racism, its a little too far.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 4:29 pm
by Jazzy3113
Your political views? You are being racist and it is pretty gross. I hope @iambackk or @halo_mauler are against racism. Let's see what they think of your comments.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:03 pm
by Jazzy3113
More racism in next game, he truly doesn't try to hide it. Gross.

(00:24 / All) DerFuhrer: |feeling HOT HOT HOT (instead of dot for indian)

(00:43 / All) DerFuhrer: YOGA FIRE
(00:46 / All) DerFuhrer: YOGA FLAME

(05:30 / All) DerFuhrer: timesrtapm dot
(05:40 / All) jazzy3113: !timestamp more racism

(07:42 / All) DerFuhrer: they power of shiva
(07:51 / All) jazzy3113: !timestamp more racism

(25:52 / All) DerFuhrer: apu says hi
(26:00) killed DerFuhrer
(26:08 / All) jazzy3113: !timestamp more raciusm

(30:25 / All) DerFuhrer: APu is the winner!
(30:33 / All) jabingo: !timestamp racist. . .

(05:30 / All) DerFuhrer: timesrtapm dot
(05:40 / All) jazzy3113: !timestamp more racism

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:11 pm
by Astros (17:32 / Allied) jazzy3113: u nigger (51:29 / All) jazzy3113: beat u alot nigger (13:33 / All) jazzy3113: u fuckig cjeating nigger (16:15 / Allied) jazzy3113: FUCKING NIGGERS ON THISFSDFKSD (35:43 / All) jazzy3113: OWNED U NIGGER (36:22 / All) jazzy3113: GO HEAD U STACK NIGGY

"This is ridiculous, people say awful things 24/7 on ent but only I am singled out. We are now banning for bad language? Have any of you ever played ent before? Homosexual slurs, racist tropes and mysoginistic terms are thrown around all the time. But of course only I get banned.

Like seriously, I get the same length ban as someone who destroys items and feeds pets.

These jerks continue to stack games and choose slark, and I am the one who gets banned. I mean cmon. If you start banning for language, you would have to ban every other person. So unfair.

EDIT: And if anyone is bored, please watch the game.

Even though my team is retarded as usual, I own Alien all game, that's the real reason he posted. Stacking cheater almost lost."

-Quote from Jazzy3113

Don't worry, this is not racist at all. Jazzy clearly has changed. He is no longer racist in year 2024.

But some guy talking about apu and dhalsim from Street Fighter is super racist and Jazzy is so hurt by these words. Not gonna lie, it's insensitive and clearly a stereotype so a ban or warning is warranted but Jazzy's behavior 100% warrants it when he starts crying all game and people decide to then mess with him in return.

If the dude never typed a single word, no one would care to type to him. Bro, you're 45 years old with two kids. What are you doing crying? Why does this individual believe he is able to whine all game and then get upset when others antagonize him for being annoying?

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:27 pm
by Jazzy3113
astros, would you like me to post yesterday's game?

The vile things you said were disgusting.

The games you posted were one sentences in games years ago. I said it once in anger and moved on. Your repeated racism is gross. Your so bad you lost modding power.

Don't you have any shame?

If you are truly not embarrassed, please respond here and I will post that game, where you said even more disgusting comments than this H*tler worshiper.

And the most ironic thing about astros, is that he banned me for racism. Check my ban history, yet he has not once banned himself lol. Hypocrisy at its finest with that kid.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:33 pm
by Astros
Post whatever you want, I couldn't give two shits. Unlike you, I have ways to occupy my time besides playing on here. I will gladly accept any valid bans on me and won't ban appeal.

Jazzy pretends to be educated. At display here, he cannot differentiate between you're and your. Remember, this guy is supposedly a highly educated individual as he brags about on Reddit and here all the time.

The difference in what I type versus what you type is you're 45 years old with two kids. The fact you're still playing on here is in-itself embarrassing. The fact you WHINE and cry every game is beyond embarrassing and just pathetic. 90% of the time, I'm just bored of the game itself and just messing with people. I'll take the ban if warranted, no question. I can willingly choose to stop typing these comments if I wanted. You, on the other hand, can't change being a whiny middle-aged man.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:38 pm
by Jazzy3113
Ok, I will post the vile and henious things you said that game.

Racists always make excuses for their disgusting behavior.

I guess your racist because I whine alot? And have kids? Ok, that is a great reason to be disgusting.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:43 pm
by Astros
Jazzy3113 wrote:Ok, I will post the vile and henious things you said that game.

Racists always make excuses for their disgusting behavior.

I guess your racist because I whine alot? And have kids? Ok, that is a great reason to be disgusting.

Buddy, I told an Arab to stop slapping his wife and walk his camel which is why a snitch on here had to run off to Hazardous.

If you think I care about calling you smelly and saying you had an arranged marriage, you are traumatized.

Admins/mods will do as they fit. Granted, admins don't really do anything and only show up once a year but suddenly, they 'care' so much about moderation after they caused the player pool to plummet over 95%. This platform is only surviving because one guy is probably getting billed monthly for something he forgot he's paying for still. So you do you and cry about it all you want.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:17 pm
by Hooch
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢼⣇⣀⣠⣴⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀open for arabs by:astros⠀⠀⠀
he just pmed me this....⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:42 pm
by Hunter91
The account name says it all.
"Der Führer" means "Adolf H*tler", its the same.
The Acc name needs to be banned anyway.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:20 pm
by EdteOfChaos2
Jazzy are you seriously going to complain about racism when you bring out the n word all the time lmao. You say it the most out of literally anyone on the server. e.g. (51:29 / All) jazzy3113: beat u alot n****r (13:33 / All) jazzy3113: u fuckig cjeating n****r (16:15 / Allied) jazzy3113: FUCKING N****RS ON THISFSDFKSD

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:28 pm
by Astros
I deserve to be banned so I won't debate that.

But he's quite obviously the most racist individual on here so it's hilarious that he pretends he isn't.

He claims he has only said it once out of anger. Who says nigger out of anger? There's also 10+ instances of him saying it.

Btw, Jazzy. Do you know if they sell Clorox products in India?

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:36 pm
by Hunter91
DerFuhrer wrote:Means Leader you idiot

only you show yourself as an idiot, nothing else.

Ofc "Führer" means leader, but with "Der" its somthing else.

I dont even have to fully type it out in google search to show its meaning

Your Acc name definitely needs to be banned.

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:37 pm
by Jazzy3113
EdteOfChaos2 wrote:Jazzy are you seriously going to complain about racism when you bring out the n word all the time lmao. You say it the most out of literally anyone on the server. e.g. (51:29 / All) jazzy3113: beat u alot n****r (13:33 / All) jazzy3113: u fuckig cjeating n****r (16:15 / Allied) jazzy3113: FUCKING N****RS ON THISFSDFKSD

Those are the games that astros posted as his rationale.

Also, Astros banned me for saying that stuff.

So shouldn't he also be banned?

And as you have typed yourself, I said it one time in anger in those games. Did i say it over and over and over again? Did i attack astros wife and kids?

So since I was banned, astros the racist should be banned too right? And since he keeps saying it over and over and clearly isnt apologetic at all for being racist, should it be a longer ban?

I cannot believe people are literally arguing over such blatant racism. This is so sad to see.

He and his friend the fuhrer are repeatedly being racist. Like not one or two sentences, but over and over again.

@EdteOfChaos2 - are you really saying because I was banned last year for saying a bad word in a game, astros is super cool for repeatedly saying racist things to me over and over? Really man?

Re: Ban Request for DerFuhrer (blatant racism)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:07 pm
by Astros
I didn't even make that post. Someone else did and I just copied and pasted the games.

Just go to the search bar and type "jazzy nigger" and you'll see it yourself. Funny how that works.

I was told by Jazzy that he only says it once and doesn't repeat it multiple times per game:

(35:37 / All) jazzy3113: LOL
(35:39 / All) jazzy3113: HE KNOWS IT
(35:43 / All) jazzy3113: OWNED U NIGGER (1)

(35:55 / All) lol-entnoobs: why you so racist jazzy

(36:08 / All) jazzy3113: U NIGLET (2)

(36:22 / All) lol-entnoobs: toxic racist
(36:22 / All) jazzy3113: GO HEAD U STACK NIGGY (3)

(36:43 / All) jazzy3113: U FAG (4)
(38:12 / All) jazzy3113: STACKING FAGS (5)
(42:24 / All) jazzy3113: OWNED A STAKCING NIG (6)
(42:26 / All) jazzy3113: FEELS FGOOD MAN
(42:39 / All) jazzy3113: EPIC ULT OMNI
(42:40 / All) jazzy3113: LOL
(50:03 / All) jazzy3113: GG SK, AT LEAST I HAD ONE NON NIG (7)

Should we count, or can you count and confirm for us Jazzy?

The last sentence is pretty self-explanatory. Jazzy said he had at least one "non nig" meaning, he at least had one competent player on his team. Therefore, it's not just words being used but Jazzy associating black people as "useless". This guy is a certified clown.