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yourmomsfatass; jabingo - vk abuse

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:29 pm
by master_pain
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #60 ... 219211.w3g

(02:05 / Allied) YourMomsFatAss: !votekick master
(13:31 / Allied) YourMomsFatAss: !votekick master
(16:56 / Allied) YourMomsFatAss: !votekick master

jabingo (aka jabaado)
(13:39 / Allied) jabingo: !yes
(28:46 / Allied) jabingo: !votekick master
(31:57 / Allied) jabingo: !votekick master

this jabaado - leaves mid minutes into game telling me to mid, and team ignores pings/pleas to gank mid.
cries/bitches throughout game accusing everyone else while crying/sucking himself.. and talking politics, typical jabaado:
(06:11 / Allied) jabingo: stay mid
(06:12 / Allied) jabingo: stay
(10:59 / Allied) jabingo: this purp SUCKS
(11:04 / Allied) jabingo: he is horrible
(11:11 / Allied) jabingo: just hides
(11:15 / Allied) jabingo: YOU PUSSY
(11:18 / Allied) jabingo: you must be a liberal
(11:38 / Allied) jabingo: listen liberal. . . DONT PLAY TANKS if you don't TANK
(11:44 / Allied) jabingo: got it purp? you human PUSSY
14:01 / Allied) jabingo: !timestamp master pain SUCKS
(14:10 / Allied) jabingo: !timestamp for GOODNESS SAKE get rid of him
(17:22 / All) jabingo: all teal does is CRYYYYYYYY
(17:27 / All) jabingo: because he is a do nothing liberal
(17:49 / All) jabingo: biden voters. . . sigh
(20:41 / Allied) jabingo: yellow and purp don't do anything :(
(20:54 / Allied) jabingo: and teal is a liberal
(21:30 / All) jabingo: we were fucked the second master pain joined
(22:26 / Allied) jabingo: !ff
(22:29 / Allied) jabingo: that was game
(22:52 / Allied) jabingo: 20 min SLAUGHTER
(27:27 / All) jabingo: gg
(27:28 / All) jabingo: !ff
(27:44 / All) jabingo: 1/5 teal and 0/4 kevin. . . don't cut it against decent players

(28:53 / All) jabingo: can we kick the game ruiner?
(29:10 / All) best_nick_ever: warlock you bad too
(29:12 / All) best_nick_ever: :/
(29:16 / All) master_pain: jabaado
(29:18 / All) master_pain: a retard
(29:21 / All) jabingo: LOL says best nick
(29:29 / All) master_pain: for the ban
(29:30 / All) jabingo: no one cares about you nick
(29:30 / All) best_nick_ever: yep i say
(29:32 / All) jabingo: NO ONE
(29:33 / All) jabingo: !best
(29:33 / All) best_nick_ever: ....
(29:35 / Allied) jabingo: !sd best
(29:36 / All) best_nick_ever: bad
(29:37 / All) jabingo: LOL
(29:37 / All) YourMomsFatAss: i care
(29:40 / All) jabingo: 700 elos. . .

Aside from the vking, these 2 have always been and always will be toxic cancer ruining the game.
@iambackk, please take a look at this, ty.

Re: yourmomsfatass; jabingo - vk abuse

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:07 pm
by cyno
Why do people use the word "cancer" to describe behaviour on dota? It is pathetic!

Re: yourmomsfatass; jabingo - vk abuse

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 6:12 pm
by mk4r32
These vk "abuse" ban requests are stupid af.

The games don't even need to be reviewed when you are involved. Probably died min 2 and started to cry like a turd and hid the entire game doing the bare minimum.

Ignores and talks all chat like you are doing something.


Re: yourmomsfatass; jabingo - vk abuse

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:08 pm
by iambackk
I agree sometimes Master pain is kickable, but in this game he did nothing really wrong.

Also you were not even in his team yourmomsfastass so your vk are clearly abused.
About Jabingo, stop crying all games you are far to be a good player and you can be happy because one day is nothing seeing you spaming chat like that + vk abused etc...

Both are banned one day.