russbufallino grieving fountain/base when game wasn't over yet/solo deaths 2-9-3 in 57 min game
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 4:11 am
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #58
Violator's Warcraft III Username: russbuffalino
Violated Rule(s): greiving base/fountain, refusing to help
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(26:59 / Allied) russbuffalino: must be warded(why is he goign alone trying to ward when lc already got ganked there)
at 46:30 he complains he couldn't eul becaus he was stunned but he wasn't.
(this is where he starts throwing)
(49:40 hes alone top with 3 of us back at base and lc in jungle
(49:49 / Allied) tomex1990: dead again watch( i called it out and was wondering why is he alone again)
(50:00) dead
(51:16) Lc charged top lane and lina does nothing but fountain greif while lc,slark, pudge are fighting
lina moves towards bot lane and finallly notice that we're getting gank.
(52:00) Instead of staying and help fight with es & slark, lina chases after sb.
(52:14 / Allied) caffrey: you ban this shit
(52:18 / Allied) russbuffalino: dead again
(52:19 / Allied) russbuffalino: i see(refusing to help)
(52:27 / Allied) russbuffalino: ban ur mom
(52:29 / Allied) russbuffalino: for sucking
(52:30 / Allied) russbuffalino: so bad
(53:19 / Allied) russbuffalino: you are all toxic trsahcans(greving at fountain)
(53:52) hes bot lane while us 4 are all mid. Hes clearly throwing at this point and the game wasn't lost.
(54:34 / All) Dakeyras.: is it me or lina never with your team? (zues even realized that also)
Any further thoughts:
@iambackk this guy needs to be ban for his actions. Lina should be ganking not farming all game. He kept goign to the same location to try to ward alone and getting killed for that. (by scourge ancient)
Even the opposing team realize he never was with the team and his assist says it all! 2-9-3 in a 57 min plus game. 2-9-3 out of 41 team kills! Imagine that! Those are facts that hes clearly trolling and throwing at this point doing the minimum to not get ban.
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #58
Violator's Warcraft III Username: russbuffalino
Violated Rule(s): greiving base/fountain, refusing to help
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(26:59 / Allied) russbuffalino: must be warded(why is he goign alone trying to ward when lc already got ganked there)
at 46:30 he complains he couldn't eul becaus he was stunned but he wasn't.
(this is where he starts throwing)
(49:40 hes alone top with 3 of us back at base and lc in jungle
(49:49 / Allied) tomex1990: dead again watch( i called it out and was wondering why is he alone again)
(50:00) dead
(51:16) Lc charged top lane and lina does nothing but fountain greif while lc,slark, pudge are fighting
lina moves towards bot lane and finallly notice that we're getting gank.
(52:00) Instead of staying and help fight with es & slark, lina chases after sb.
(52:14 / Allied) caffrey: you ban this shit
(52:18 / Allied) russbuffalino: dead again
(52:19 / Allied) russbuffalino: i see(refusing to help)
(52:27 / Allied) russbuffalino: ban ur mom
(52:29 / Allied) russbuffalino: for sucking
(52:30 / Allied) russbuffalino: so bad
(53:19 / Allied) russbuffalino: you are all toxic trsahcans(greving at fountain)
(53:52) hes bot lane while us 4 are all mid. Hes clearly throwing at this point and the game wasn't lost.
(54:34 / All) Dakeyras.: is it me or lina never with your team? (zues even realized that also)
Any further thoughts:
@iambackk this guy needs to be ban for his actions. Lina should be ganking not farming all game. He kept goign to the same location to try to ward alone and getting killed for that. (by scourge ancient)
Even the opposing team realize he never was with the team and his assist says it all! 2-9-3 in a 57 min plus game. 2-9-3 out of 41 team kills! Imagine that! Those are facts that hes clearly trolling and throwing at this point doing the minimum to not get ban.