Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #85
Violator's Warcraft III Username: basshunter_ and extendo
Violated Rule(s): bass said he didnt care and just pure fed. Extendo refused to vk the first two times, then kicked the third after we begged.
The ban on gyro is straightforward for obvious ruin so bad he was kicked, but please consider banning lesh too. If people know they will get banned for not kick ruiners, they will start to kick and we can clean up the games.
Thanks for reviewing.
(07:59 / Allied) Basshunter_: !ff
(08:02 / Allied) Basshunter_: at 10
cries and wants to ff
(15:43 / All) TRADER: !votekick bass
first vk
(16:02 / Allied) Basshunter_: !votekick jazz
tried to vk me so we cant start a vk for him
(17:18 / Allied) Basshunter_: !ff
(19:47 / Allied) TRADER: !votekick bass
second vk
(21:42 / All) Jazzy3113: !votekick bass
finally lesh kicked after more ruin
Ban Request for basshunter_ and extendo
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: Ban Request for basshunter_ and extendo
1st Basshunter - please check if he created this new account to intentionally ruin games.
2nd Extendo - refused to vk
2nd Extendo - refused to vk
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