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Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 10:24 pm
by rules
please do something about this guy everyone here knows how he plays only to ks ! he never in fights hiding and waiting for KS ... 232462.w3g

We had a very good start with team, then spec decided to play his own not helping not fighting like he does all the time.

(26:14 / All) no_rules: !timestamp no ult from spec

(31:37 / Allied) no_rules: he wont ult
(31:38 / Allied) fullkabrooms: go top
(31:38 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 10:33 pm
by jackk
Easy to say when you fed the entire game, not even controling properly your charges!
3/13 diving, dying and blaming as usual (also flaming cancer and stupid words).

(28:31 / Allied) no_rules: useless cunt
(25:23 / All) no_rules: piece of shit
(30:54 / All) no_rules: a piece of shit
(33:10 / Allied) no_rules: with this cancer

You are the one who should be banned.

As I said, as soon as you start losing, cancer and offensive words come out (thats your style - I was not even playing this game).
Grow up maybe? ... 232354.w3g
(09:09 / Allied) no_rules: trash jamba
(10:12 / Allied) no_rules: a cancer
(10:33 / Allied) no_rules: trash stacker
(10:45 / Allied) no_rules: fking cancer

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 11:13 pm
by mk4r32
SB did not feed intentionally, he had ZERO HELP.

SB is supposed to be the aggressor and charge to help his team win teamfights and stop the opposing team from free farming. Ofc, he would die if he doesn't get any support.

Jackk played his usual spec, hidden all game. Lowest level. He won't ever ult unless he can ks a kill off 100hp dying heroes. I don't understand why these people like him and gipsy won't ult just to distract and take some damage and heat for their allies. We all know that helps bc once spec's global ult hits, we do tend to fall back a lil which gives the other players to run and reset if they have to.

Regarding Jammba - I have no clue who he is but I would've flamed his ass too. He's been playing jugg like tomex and absolutely ruining games.

Jackk needs a ban, it's another robin playing. I don't even know why he's so afraid to teamfight and just die attacking. Another noob that thinks KDR is everything.

Serious question - WHO HAS EVER SEEN JACKK SOLO GANK ANYONE? EVEN WHEN HE HAS A HUGE LEAD PLAYING A CARRY LIKE SPEC? Sad part is, his gameplay will never change, he's just bitchmade.

How long have we all been bitching about his gameplay? There's a reason why people say the same shit to him every game.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 11:27 pm
by MR_Nimbuss
(24:54 / Allied) dreamycowiknow: lol
(24:58 / Allied) fullkabrooms: lmfao
At this time he used specs ult trying to ks .. TO us we thought that shit was funny! lol

On a serious note jackk needs to be treated as a player who ruins. This has gone on far too long where its not even okay anymore. Guy refuse to learn and when his team is hurting he dishes out "atleast im not feeding" and ignores. Playing for kdr has to be the most retarded shit on ent knowing it doesn't even matter anymore. ON top of that, Good players would dodge you 10 out 10 games even if you had 7.0 kdr.. Try to get your kdr up the right way, with skills! Not last hitting a hero with 20 hp lol

Jackk needs to be ban and maybe he can actually try teamplay for once.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 11:38 pm
by jackk
Because everyone played amazingly (sb, husk and sk).
Game was ruined and everyone played poorly, specially your bf rules.
And of course you guys would come and support him right? Even if he plays like crap and calls everyone idiot and uses cancer words..
Thats all you can do.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 11:49 pm
by mk4r32
Does is look like I'm best friends with mercy? I'm stating facts without being biased on gameplay alone.

Do you want a SB that farms all game and charges to clean up ks like yourself and robin? I doubt it.

For real, you need to change your gameplay. It's been going on forever. The only reason you don't get reported 24/7 is bc we all expect it now.

You think your KDR is sexy?

Do you see people dodging you to rather play with superballer?


Why do you think people dodge Trader, even yourself despite his high elo?

It's a 5 v 5 and you gotta play your role too.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 11:52 pm
by jackk
Oh Caffrey, stop being silly... everyone knows your style too - calling ppl pathetic and flaming.
Everyone failed, if he can't get over a game that he can't win, not my problem.
As I said, it happens to everyone he plays with.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 12:14 am
by lex-
Jackk, your gameplay is horrible. I don't say you are bad player but mostly you like to ks. I've never seen you lead your team, especially when you already picked carry hero.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:03 am
by Oldman
I was in the game, and once again, Jackk was focused solely on getting kills, often stealing them from teammates. He only used his ultimate for that purpose, which made it frustrating for everyone.

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 4:49 am
by aesrf
jackk needs serious ban honestly. He is the smartest of the tards, which makes him the most annoying.

rules ur a moron too. 3-13 bara?? ahahha go turn ur mh on loser

Re: Jack - 0 help during the game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:44 am
by iambackk
Come on first timestamp is 2 min before the move you talk about and he was oom.
It's how many years you are playing spec ? instead of wasting all mana (i mean using 2 daggers wood) and be oom 9/10 times, maybe get some mana reg or i don't know, a bottle ? aquila ?
Not banning based on that 2nd timestamp but come on improve