Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:19 pm
Warcraft III username: killjoylegit
Realm: east
Situation: Had weather issues
Why you should be unbanned: I should be unbanned because, the weather was really bad for the past week, and i dropped out a few times in the past few days. But on the other hand, weather is great now and i want to play. Also my girlfriend has to work so i dont have anything else to do. I love the game, plz unban me
Realm: east
Situation: Had weather issues
Why you should be unbanned: I should be unbanned because, the weather was really bad for the past week, and i dropped out a few times in the past few days. But on the other hand, weather is great now and i want to play. Also my girlfriend has to work so i dont have anything else to do. I love the game, plz unban me