Emergency!! Un-Ban PLEASE!
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:53 am
Battle.net username:go_to_hell
Gamename:[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #23
Bot username: admin
Situation: Leaver
Why you should be unbanned:I had to quit game because my son had fell off the bed and busted his head and had a 3 inch cut on his forehead, he is now on the way to the hospital with my wife. Please this is a real emergency no EXCUSES! I would really appreciate it if i get unbanned. Thank you Clan ent!
Gamename:[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #23
Bot username: admin
Situation: Leaver
Why you should be unbanned:I had to quit game because my son had fell off the bed and busted his head and had a 3 inch cut on his forehead, he is now on the way to the hospital with my wife. Please this is a real emergency no EXCUSES! I would really appreciate it if i get unbanned. Thank you Clan ent!