Ban appeal
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:19 am username: PresTeddy
Realm: West
Gamename: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #49
Bot username:
Why you should be unbanned: adventureclub (advntrclb) is a little too sensitive. Please watch replay and tell me that you didn't miss that kill on Earthshaker. I don't believe that it is fair for someone to not play at their full potential. Throwing the game is not cool. Which is what (advntrclb) adventureclub did. 2300 ELO should be playing better than that. He flamed me just as much after I flamed him. A little power hungry I believe adventureclub is. Seems a little unfair. Not a very good admin.
Realm: West
Gamename: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #49
Bot username:
Why you should be unbanned: adventureclub (advntrclb) is a little too sensitive. Please watch replay and tell me that you didn't miss that kill on Earthshaker. I don't believe that it is fair for someone to not play at their full potential. Throwing the game is not cool. Which is what (advntrclb) adventureclub did. 2300 ELO should be playing better than that. He flamed me just as much after I flamed him. A little power hungry I believe adventureclub is. Seems a little unfair. Not a very good admin.