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Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:39 pm
by Chantry
Warcraft III username: chantry
Realm: east
Situation: banned
Why you should be unbanned: I literally don't play Island Defense, I had no idea what I was doing...
link: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22419


Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:04 pm
by ApomTom
You did know what you were doing. I told you that was intentional feeding; it doesn't take an Island Defense specialist to understand that intentional feeding is bannable.
[spoiler=](17:42 / All) Chantry: im bringing my titan hunter mid
(17:52 / Allied) ApomTom: dont do it gray
(17:55 / Allied) ApomTom: that's intentional feeding
(17:57 / All) Chantry: u can have him
(18:01 / Allied) Chantry: cool[/spoiler]
You then went on to egg us on, daring us to post a ban request.
[spoiler=](18:46 / Allied) Chantry: go do a ban request
(18:50 / Allied) Chantry: go do a ban
(18:52 / Allied) Chantry: request[/spoiler]
After Marked explained why you were banned, you had an episode.
[spoiler=](20:52 / Allied) Marked: Chantry
(21:01 / Allied) Marked: You're banned for intentional feed of hunter.

(21:21 / Allied) Chantry: marked is a huge
(21:22 / Allied) Chantry: faggot
(21:27 / Allied) Chantry: a massive faggot
(21:30 / Allied) Chantry: marked
(21:32 / Allied) Chantry: likes penis
(21:34 / Allied) Chantry: up his ass
(21:38 / Allied) Chantry: hey marked
(21:42 / Allied) Chantry: i heard u like dick[/spoiler]


Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:14 pm
by Chantry
Like I said, no idea what I was doing.


Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:24 pm
by Hunter91
Why the insults?


Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:43 pm
by Chantry
Hunter91 wrote:Why the insults?

I was being immature, thought it was funny at the time.


Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:29 pm
by Marked
!Denied, you clearly had knowledge of the game, first you staggered walls, then you were able to adaptably form a base and place workers, I think you have a clue what you're doing..


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:24 am
by Metall-Drago
Imo you shouldnt deny your own bans, just sayin. @marked

Ent has not enough appeal deny abuse to make it something big but i still wouldnt do it. Its like unbanning urself, not that guddy


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:26 am
by Marked
@Metall_drago I would never unban myself they're not the same, first off this guy is a complete moron who flame and raged at me because I justly banned him, he then proceeded to create a complaint of useless nonsense about me, I think I was in the clear just by THE TITLE of his ban appeal to deny it, and we are allowed to deny appeals we processed requests for.